Attribute | Source | Description |
Allow | rfc1945 | Gives allowed http methods |
Alternates | rfc2068 | List alternate representations |
Bulletin-Date | Lotus | Date, e.g. 1997-03-24 15:57 |
Bulletin-Text | Lotus | Document description |
Cache-Control | rfc2068 | Directives to cacheing mechanisms |
Content-Base | rfc2068 | Specify base URL for entity |
Content-Disposition | rfc2183 | Specify content handler (Microsoft) |
Content-Encoding | rfc1945 | Gives compression scheme |
Content-language | rfc1945 | Natural Language of document |
Content-Length | rfc1945 | Size of body in bytes |
Content-Location | rfc2068 | Resource location for entity |
Content-MD5 | rfc2068 | MD5 digest of entity body |
Content-Range | rfc2068 | Range of partial response |
Content-Script-Type | html40 | Specifies default scripting language |
Content-Style-Type | html40 | Specifies default style sheet language |
Content-Type | rfc1945 | Media type |
Content-type | rfc1945 | |
Content-Version | rfc2068 | Version tag of evolving entity |
Date | rfc1945 | Date message originated (HTTP format) |
Default-Style | html40 | Set preferred style sheet |
Derived-From | rfc2068 | Version tag of previous version |
ETag | rfc2068 | Entity tag for resource identification |
Expires | rfc1945 | Expiry date of document (HTTP date format) |
Ext-cache | Netscape | Alternate cache path |
Instance-Delegate | SHOE | Pointer to Ontology Key |
Instance-Key | SHOE | Ontology Key |
Last-Modified | rfc1945 | Date resource was last changed |
Link | rfc1945 | Relationship to other resources |
Location | rfc1945 | URL of resource |
MIME-Version | rfc1945 | May indicate MIME-compliance. Ignore. |
Page-Enter | MSIE 4 | Sets page entry transistion |
Page-Exit | MSIE 4 | Sets page exit transistion |
PICS-Label | PICS | Document content labelling |
Pragma | rfc1945 | no-cache prevents cacheing |
Public | rfc2068 | List of supported methods by server |
Range | rfc2068 | Specify subrange (bytes) |
Refresh | Netscape | Delay till browser reloads (optional URL) |
Server | rfc1945 | Gives information about server |
Set-Cookie | Netscape | Sets cookie value |
Site-Enter | MSIE 4 | Sets site entry transistion |
Site-Exit | MSIE 4 | Sets site exit transistion |
Title | rfc1945 | Title of entity (obsoleted in rfc2068) |
Transfer-Encoding | rfc2068 | Specify transfer (cf. entity) encoding |
URI | rfc1945 | URIs by which resource is located. (obsoleted in rfc2068) |
Vary | rfc2068 | Specify that request was selected from alternates (e.g. different languages) |
Via | rfc2068 | Generated by gateways |
Warning | rfc2068 | Warning about cache problems, etc. |
Window-target | Netscape | Specify target window of current document |
Attribute | Source | Description |
ABSTRACT | IBM | Page Abstract |
accessConstraints | GILS | Allowed access to information |
agencyProgram | GILS | Official name of the agency program |
Agent markup Language Version | AML | Agent Markup Language |
ALIAS | IBM | Page URL |
Area | SONAH | SONAH |
Audience | Fireball | Intended Audience |
Author-Corporate | Apple | Corporate Author |
Author-Personal | Apple | Author |
Author | Publish | Document Author |
Bookmark | Apple | Bookmarkable URL |
Build | MS-Word | Build Date |
CC | IBM | ? |
Checked by | MS-Word | Checked by |
Classification | Netscape | Classification |
Client | MS-Word | |
contact | IBM | Author email |
contactCity | GILS | Contact City |
contactFaxNumber | GILS | Contact Fax |
contactName | GILS | Contact Name |
contactNetworkAddress | GILS | Contact email |
contactOrganization | GILS | Contact Organization |
contactPhoneNumber | GILS | Contact Phone |
contactState | GILS | Contact State (US) |
contactStreetAddress1 | GILS | Contact Address |
contactStreetAddress2 | GILS | Contact Address |
contactZip | GILS | Contact Zipcode (US) |
contributor | RDU | Contributor |
Copyright | Publish | Document copyright |
Coverage | Apple | name of applicable area |
createDate | GILS | Date information resource was created YYYY/MM/DD |
Creattim | MS-Word | Date/Time |
custodian | RDU | Custodian |
custodian_contact | RDU | Custodian Contact |
custodian_contact_position | RDU | Custodian Contact Position |
Date completed | MS-Word | (possibly DOS date mm/dd/yyyy) |
dateofLastModification | GILS | Date the information was input or last modified |
DC-CHEM.biological-activity | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.characterisation | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.computation-simulation | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.coordinates | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.reaction-data | DC-CHEM | | | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.smiles | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.substance | DC-CHEM | |
DC-CHEM.synthesis | DC-CHEM | |
DC.CONTRIBUTORS | Dublin | Other Contributors |
DC.COVERAGE | Dublin | Spatial and temporal coverage |
DC.CREATOR | Dublin | Author or Creator |
DC.DATE | Dublin | Date resource was made available in its present form. |
DC.DESCRIPTION | Dublin | Description |
DC.FORMAT | Dublin | Data representation of the resource |
DC.IDENTIFIER | Dublin | Resource Identifier |
DC.LANGUAGE | Dublin | Language(s) of the intellectual content |
DC.PUBLISHER | Dublin | Publisher |
DC.RELATION | Dublin | Relationship to other resources. |
DC.RIGHTS | Dublin | Link to rights-management statement. |
DC.SOURCE | Dublin | Work from which resource is derived |
DC.SUBJECT | Dublin | Subject and Keywords |
DC.TITLE | Dublin | Document Title |
DC.TYPE | Dublin | Resource Type |
Department | MS-Word | |
Description | Spidering | Document description |
Destination | MS-Word | |
Disposition | MS-Word | |
Division | MS-Word | |
doccomm | MS-Word | Document Comments |
Document number | MS-Word | |
east_bounding_coordinate | RDU | East Bound |
Editor | MS-Word | |
EKArea | Kodak | numeric |
EKBU | Kodak | numeric |
EKdocOwner | Kodak | numeric |
EKdocTech | Kodak | numeric |
EKdocType | Kodak | Document Type |
EKreviewDate | Kodak | yyyymmdd |
Expires | Fireball | expires |
Formatter | Publish | Document creation agent |
Forward to | MS-Word | |
Generator | Publish | Document creation agent |
geo.placename | geotags | Geographic Place Name |
geo.position | geotags | Geographic Position |
geo.region | geotags | Region |
googlebot | search engine control | |
Googlebot | spidering | Google Web Robot control |
govType | GILS | Government type (city/state/regional etc.) |
Group | MS-Word | |
htdig-email-subject | HTdig | email subject |
htdig-email | HTdig | Recipient address |
htdig-keywords | HTdig | keywords |
htdig-noindex | HTdig | noindex |
htdig-notification-date | HTdig | Notification date |
Identifier-URL | Apple | URL |
Identifier | Apple | Serial number |
Keywords | Search | Document indexing keywords |
Language | MS-Word | |
LastUpdated | SONAH | SONAH |
linkage | GILS | Contact Linkage (URL) |
Location | Sympatico | Geo. location (Country, Province, City) |
Mailstop | MS-Word | |
MathDMV.ABSTRACT | MathDMV | URL locating an abstract |
MathDMV.AUTHOR | MathDMV | Multiple authors separated with comma |
MathDMV.CONTACT | MathDMV | e-mail address |
MathDMV.CR | MathDMV | ACM Computing classification |
MathDMV.IDENTIFIER | MathDMV | URL or bibliographic reference |
MathDMV.KEYWORDS | MathDMV | Multiple keywords |
MathDMV.NOTES | MathDMV | URL locating additional notes |
MathDMV.ObjectType | MathDMV | PREPRINT or PUBLISHED |
MathDMV.PACS | MathDMV | Physics and Astronomy Classification |
MathDMV.PCLASS | MathDMV | Primary classification |
MathDMV.SCLASS | MathDMV | Secondary classification |
MathDMV.SERIES | MathDMV | |
MathDMV.SUBJECT | MathDMV | Subject |
MathDMV.TITLE | MathDMV | Title of paper |
MathDMV.UPDATE | MathDMV | Date last changed |
MathDMV.UPLOAD | MathDMV | Date the paper is first made available |
Matter | MS-Word | |
medium | GILS | physical file or formats in which the resource is available |
Microsoft Border | MS | |
Microsoft Theme | MS Frontpage | |
MSSmartTagsPreventParsing | MSSmartTags | Microsoft Smart Tags |
mytopic | GeoCities | GeoCities topic tag |
no-email-collection | UnSpam | Forbid robots to index email addresses |
north_bounding_coordinate | RDU | North Bound |
note | GILS | Note (supplemental information) |
ObjectType | Belfast | Type of document |
Office | MS-Word | |
Operator | Data Entry Operator? | |
organization | Musella | Organisation of Author |
originalControlIdentifier | GILS | identifier applied by the originating agency |
originatorDepartment | GILS | Official organization Department |
originatorDivision | GILS | Official organization Division |
originatorJurisdiction | GILS | Official organization responsible for information |
originatorOffice | GILS | Official organization Office |
originatorSection | GILS | Official organization Section |
Owner | MS-Word | |
OWNER | IBM | Page owner (email) |
Page-Topic | Fireball | Page Topic |
Page-Type | Fireball | Page Type |
Project | MS-Word | |
public | Musella | Availability (boolean) |
Publisher-Email | Apple | email address of publisher |
Publisher | MS-Word | |
Publisher | Apple | Publisher |
Purpose | MS-Word | |
Rating | mk-metas | content rating |
Received from | MS-Word | |
Recorded by | MS-Word | |
Recorded date | MS-Word | (possibly DOS date mm/dd/yyyy) |
Reference | MS-Word | |
relation | RDU | Relation |
reply-to | RDU | Reply Email |
Resource-Type | Resource-Type | |
revision | Musella | Revision number of the document |
revisit | searchBC | suggestion for robot revisit interval |
rnmediafile | RealProducer | Real rm file |
rnmetafile | RealProducer | Real ram file |
rnpagelayout | RealProducer | e.g. embedded |
Robots | Spidering | Web Robot control |
SIC87.ObjectType | VanWeb | US 1987 SIC code |
Source | MS-Word | |
south_bounding_coordinate | RDU | South Bound |
Status | MS-Word | |
subject | MS-Word | Subject |
subjects | GILS | hierarchical subject trees |
Telephone number | MS-Word | |
Template | MS-Word | |
timePeriodTextual | GILS | timeframe covered by the resource content |
timestamp | Musella | Date when authored |
Typist | MS-Word | |
UserGroups | SONAH | Restricted set of users |
Version | MS-Word | Document Version |
VW96.ObjectType | mk-metas | Document Type |
west_bounding_coordinate | RDU | West Bound |