HTTP-EQUIV (HTTP header) Index


Allow rfc1945 Gives allowed http methods
Alternates rfc2068 List alternate representations
Bulletin-Date LotusDate, e.g. 1997-03-24 15:57
Bulletin-Text LotusDocument description
Cache-Control rfc2068 Directives to cacheing mechanisms
Content-Base rfc2068 Specify base URL for entity
Content-Encoding rfc1945 Gives compression scheme
Content-language rfc1945Natural Language of document
Content-Length rfc1945 Size of body in bytes
Content-Location rfc2068 Resource location for entity
Content-MD5 rfc2068 MD5 digest of entity body
Content-Range rfc2068 Range of partial response
Content-Type rfc1945 Media type
Content-type rfc1945
Content-Version rfc2068 Version tag of evolving entity
Date rfc1945 Date message originated (HTTP format)
Derived-From rfc2068 Version tag of previous version
ETag rfc2068 Entity tag for resource identification
Expires rfc1945Expiry date of document (HTTP date format)
Ext-cache NetscapeAlternate cache path
Instance-Delegate SHOEPointer to Ontology Key
Instance-Key SHOEOntology Key
Last-Modified rfc1945 Date resource was last changed
Link rfc1945 Relationship to other resources
Location rfc1945 URL of resource
MIME-Version rfc1945 May indicate MIME-compliance. Ignore.
PICS-Label PICSDocument content labelling
Pragma rfc1945 no-cache prevents cacheing
Public rfc2068 List of supported methods by server
Range rfc2068 Specify subrange (bytes)
Refresh NetscapeDelay till browser reloads (optional URL)
Server rfc1945 Gives information about server
Title rfc1945 Title of entity (obsoleted in rfc2068)
Transfer-Encoding rfc2068 Specify transfer (cf. entity) encoding
URI rfc1945 URIs by which resource is located. (obsoleted in rfc2068)
Vary rfc2068 Specify that request was selected from alternates (e.g. different languages)
Via rfc2068 Generated by gateways
Warning rfc2068 Warning about cache problems, etc.
Window-target NetscapeSpecify target window of current document

NAME tag Index


Agent markup Language Version AMLAgent Markup Language
Author-Corporate AppleCorporate Author
Author-Personal AppleAuthor
Author PublishDocument Author
Bookmark AppleBookmarkable URL
Checked by MS-WordChecked by
Classification NetscapeClassification
Client MS-Word
contributor RDUContributor
Copyright PublishDocument copyright
Coverage Applename of applicable area
custodian RDUCustodian
custodian_contact RDUCustodian Contact
custodian_contact_position RDUCustodian Contact Position
Date completed MS-Word (possibly DOS date mm/dd/yyyy)
DC.CONTRIBUTORS DublinOther Contributors
DC.COVERAGE DublinSpatial and temporal coverage
DC.CREATOR DublinAuthor or Creator
DC.DATE DublinDate resource was made available in its present form.
DC.DESCRIPTION DublinDescription
DC.FORMAT DublinData representation of the resource
DC.IDENTIFIER DublinResource Identifier
DC.LANGUAGE DublinLanguage(s) of the intellectual content
DC.PUBLISHER DublinPublisher
DC.RELATION DublinRelationship to other resources.
DC.RIGHTS DublinLink to rights-management statement.
DC.SOURCE DublinWork from which resource is derived
DC.SUBJECT DublinSubject and Keywords
DC.TITLE DublinDocument Title
DC.TYPE DublinResource Type
Department MS-Word
Description SpideringDocument description
Destination MS-Word
Disposition MS-Word
Division MS-Word
doccomm MS-WordDocument Comments
Document number MS-Word
east_bounding_coordinate RDU East Bound
Editor MS-Word
EKArea Kodaknumeric
EKBU Kodak numeric
EKdocOwner Kodaknumeric
EKdocTech Kodaknumeric
EKdocType KodakDocument Type
EKreviewDate Kodakyyyymmdd
Formatter PublishDocument creation agent
Forward to MS-Word
Generator PublishDocument creation agent
Group MS-Word
htdig-email-subject HTdigemail subject
htdig-email HTdigRecipient address
htdig-keywords HTdigkeywords
htdig-noindex HTdignoindex
htdig-notification-date HTdigNotification date
Identifier-URL AppleURL
Identifier AppleSerial number
Keywords SearchDocument indexing keywords
Language MS-Word
LastUpdated SONAH time of last change
Mailstop MS-Word
MathDMV.ABSTRACT MathDMVURL locating an abstract
MathDMV.AUTHOR MathDMVMultiple authors separated with comma
MathDMV.CONTACT MathDMVe-mail address
MathDMV.CR MathDMVACM Computing classification
MathDMV.IDENTIFIER MathDMVURL or bibliographic reference
MathDMV.KEYWORDS MathDMVMultiple keywords
MathDMV.NOTES MathDMVURL locating additional notes
MathDMV.PACS MathDMVPhysics and Astronomy Classification
MathDMV.PCLASS MathDMVPrimary classification
MathDMV.SCLASS MathDMVSecondary classification
MathDMV.TITLE MathDMVTitle of paper
MathDMV.UPDATE MathDMVDate last changed
MathDMV.UPLOAD MathDMVDate the paper is first made available
Matter MS-Word
north_bounding_coordinate RDUNorth Bound
ObjectType BelfastType of document
Office MS-Word
organization MusellaOrganisation of Author
OWNER IBMPage owner (email)
Owner MS-Word
Project MS-Word
public MusellaAvailability (boolean)
Publisher-Email Appleemail address of publisher
Publisher MS-Word
Publisher ApplePublisher
Purpose MS-Word
Rating mk-metascontent rating
Received from MS-Word
Recorded by MS-Word
Recorded date MS-Word (possibly DOS date mm/dd/yyyy)
Reference MS-Word
relation RDURelation
reply-to RDUReply Email
Resource-Type Resource-Type
revision MusellaRevision number of the document
Robots SpideringWeb Robot control
SIC87.ObjectType VanWeb US 1987 SIC code
Source MS-Word
south_bounding_coordinate RDUSouth Bound
Status MS-Word
subject MS-WordSubject
Telephone number MS-Word
Template MS-Word
timestamp MusellaDate when authored
Typist MS-Word
UserGroups SONAH Restricted set of users
VW96.ObjectType mk-metasDocument Type
west_bounding_coordinate RDUWest Bound


Copyright Status