Do-it-yourself Web entry

Global Homepages

Note: US citizens under the age of 13 should not enter any personal information without a guardians consent, and there is no mechanism to process such consent.

Add your email and homepage to the list

Enter your name or business name, eg. Blow, Joe. Aliases OK, but please no spoofing.
Your Name (Surname, Forename) :

Enter your homepage, eg.
Your Homepage URL: Include any trailing "/" eg. "".
This service is intended for homepages only - an individual or department can have only one or two homepages. Listings are given only as "homepage". Duplicate entries may be deleted. No adult sites - sex, hate, warez, etc. - please, these contravene our sponsor's policy. Persistant offenders of these polices may be moved to the Web Gaol. For more general URL submission, see global-URL2

Enter your email address,eg.
Currently only Internet addresses accepted
Your email:
Add "-nospam"

You must enter a homepage, an email URL, or both.

Optionally, enter your telephone number(s), eg. +1 604-555-1212
Phone: Fax:

Optionally, enter Instant Messenger IDs
Yahoo!: MSN:

From time to time, dead links may be removed from the list and you may be contacted via email to verify your information.

Webpages Robots