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2026 Fluid milk
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SIC code 2026 includes:
- Acidophilus milk--mfg
- Bakers, cheese--mfg
- Buttermilk, cultured--mfg
- Cheese, cottage--mfg
- Chocolate milk--mfg
- Cottage cheese, including pot, bakers', and farmers, cheese--mfg
- Cream, aerated--mfg
- Cream, bottled--mfg
- Cream, sour--mfg
- Dips, sour cream based--mfg
- Eggnog, fresh: nonalcoholic--mfg
- Flavored milk drinks--mfg
- Half and half--mfg
- Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, vitaminizing, bottling)--mfg
- Milk production, except farm--mfg
- Milk, acidophilus--mfg
- Milk, bottled--mfg
- Milk, flavored--mfg
- Milk, reconstituted--mfg
- Milk, ultra-high temperature--mfg
- Pot cheese--mfg
- Sour cream--mfg
- Whipped cream--mfg
- Whipped topping, except frozen or dry mix--mfg
- Yogurt, except frozen--mfg