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2099 Food preparations, n.e.c.
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SIC code 2099 includes:
- Frosting, prepared--mfg
- Gelatin dessert preparations--mfg
- Gravy mixes, dry--mfg
- Honey, strained and bottled--mfg
- Jelly, corncob (gelatin)--mfg
- Leavening compounds, prepared--mfg
- Marshmallow creme--mfg
- Meat seasonings, except sauces--mfg
- Molasses, mixed or blended--mfpm--mfg
- Noodles, fried (e.g., Chinese)--mfg
- Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients--mfg
- Pancake syrup, blended and mixed--mfg
- Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients--mfg
- Pastes, almond--mfg
- Peanut butter--mfg
- Pectin--mfg
- Pepper--mfg
- Pie fillings, except fruits, vegetables and meat--mfg
- Pizza, refrigerated: not frozen--mfg
- Popcorn, packaged: except popped--mfg
- Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredients--mfg
- Potatoes, peeled for the trade--mfg
- Processed butter--mfg
- Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients--mfg
- Salad dressing mixes, dry--mfg
- Salads, fresh or refrigerated--mfg
- Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for wholesale market--mfg
- Sauce mixes, dry--mfg
- Seasonings, meat: except sauces-mfg
- Slaw, cole: in bulk--mfg
- Sorghum, including custom refining--mfg
- Spices, including grinding--mfg
- Sugar grinding--mfg
- Sugar, industrial maple: made in plants producing maple syrup--mfg
- Sugar, powdered--mfpm--mfg
- Syrups, sweetening: honey, maple syrup,sorghum--mfg
- Tea blending--mfg
- Tofu, except frozen desserts--mfg
- Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated--mfg
- Vegetables peeled for the trade--mfg
- Vinegar--mfg
- Yeast--mfg