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Last Modified: 12/22/2006 07:23:01
2211 Weaving mills, cotton
2 entries
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SIC code 2211 includes:
- Airplane cloth, cotton--mfg
- Alpaca, cotton--mfg
- Automotive fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Awning stripes, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Balloon cloth, cotton--mfg
- Bandage cloths, cotton--mfg
- Bark cloth, cotton--mfg
- Basket weave fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Bathmats, cotton: made in weaving mills--mfg
- Batiste, cotton--mfg
- Bed tickings, cotton--mfg
- Bedsheeting, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Bedspreads, cotton: made in weaving mills--mfg
- Bird's eye diaper cloth, cotton--mfg
- Blankets and blanketings, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Bombazine, cotton--mfg
- Book cloth--mitse--mfg
- Broadcloth, cotton--mfg
- Broadwoven fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Brocade, cotton--mfg
- Brocatelle, cotton--mfg
- Buckram--mitse--mfg
- Bunting--mitse--mfg
- Butter cloths--mfg
- Cambric, cotton--mfg
- Camouflage nets--mitse--mfg
- Canton flannels, cotton--mfg
- Canvas--mitse--mfg
- Casement cloth, cotton--mfg
- Chambrays--mfg
- Cheesecloth--mfg
- Chenilles, tufted textile-mitse--mfg
- Cheviots, cotton--mfg
- Chintz, cotton--mfg
- Corduroys, cotton--mfg
- Cotton broadwoven goods--mfg
- Cottonades--mfg
- Coutil, cotton--mfg
- Coverts, cotton--mfg
- Crash toweling, cotton--mfg
- Crepes, cotton--mfg
- Cretonne, cotton--mfg
- Crinoline--mfg
- Damasks, cotton--mfg
- Denims--mfg
- Diaper fabrics--mfg
- Dimities--mfg
- Dishcloths, woven: made in weavingmills--mfg
- Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Dress fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Drills, cotton--mfg
- Duck, cotton--mfg
- Duvetyn, cotton--mfg
- Elastic fabrics, cotton: more than 12inches in width--mfg
- Express stripes, cotton--mfg
- Fabrics, broadwoven: cotton--mfg
- Filter cloth, cotton--mfg
- Flannelette--mfg
- Flannels, cotton--mfg
- Furniture denim--mfg
- Gabardine, cotton--mfg
- Galatea, cotton--mfg
- Gauze--mitse--mfg
- Ginghams--mfg
- Glass toweling, cotton--mfg
- Glove fabrics, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Grosgrain, cotton--mfg
- Handkerchief fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Hickory stripes, cotton--mfg
- Huck toweling--mfg
- Interlining material, cotton--mfg
- Jacquard woven fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Jean fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Laundry fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Laundry nets--mitse--mfg
- Lawns, cotton--mfg
- Leno fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Long cloth, cotton--mfg
- Luggage fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Marquisettes, cotton--mfg
- Matelasse, cotton--mfg
- Mitten flannel, cotton--mfg
- Moleskins--mitse--mfg
- Momie crepe, cotton--mfg
- Mosquito netting--mitse--mfg
- Muslin, cotton--mfg
- Nainsook, cotton--mfg
- Nets and nettings--mitse--mfg
- Opaline, cotton--mfg
- Organdy, cotton--mfg
- Osnaburgs--mfg
- Outing flannel, cotton--mfg
- Oxfords (cotton fabrics)--mfg
- Pajama checks, textile--mfg
- Percale--mfg
- Percaline, cotton--mfg
- Pile fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Pillow tubing--mitse--mfg
- Pillowcases--mitse--mfg
- Pin checks, cotton--mfg
- Pin stripes, cotton--mfg
- Piques, cotton--mfg
- Plaids, cotton--mfg
- Plisse crepe, cotton--mfg
- Plushes, cotton--mfg
- Pocketing twill, cotton--mfg
- Pongee, cotton--mfg
- Poplin, cotton--mfg
- Press cloth--mfg
- Print cloths, cotton--mfg
- Ratine, cotton--mfg
- Rep, cotton--mfg
- Sailcloth--mitse--mfg
- Sateens, cotton--mfg
- Scrim, cotton--mfg
- Scrub cloths-mitse--mfg
- Seat cover cloth, automobile: cotton-mfg
- Seersuckers, cotton--mfg
- Shade cloth, window: cotton--mfg
- Sheeting, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Sheets and sheetings, cotton--mitse--mfg
- Shirting fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Shoe fabrics--mitse--mfg
- Silesia, cotton--mfg
- Slipcover fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Stretch fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Suiting fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Surgical fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Table cover fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Table damask, cotton--mfg
- Tapestry fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Tarlatan, cotton--mfg
- Tentage--mitse--mfg
- Terry woven fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Textile mills, broadwoven cotton--mfg
- Tickings--mitse mfg
- Tobacco cloths--mitse--mfg
- Towels and toweling, cotton: made in weaving mills--mfg
- Tracing cloth, cotton--mfg
- Trouserirlgs, cotton--mfg
- Tubing, pillow--mitse--mfg
- Tubing, seamless: cotton--mfg
- Twills, cotton--mfg
- Typewriter ribbon cloth, cotton--mfg
- Umbrella cloth, cotton--mfg
- Underwear fabrics, woven: cotton--mfg
- Upholstery fabrics, cotton--mfg
- Velours--mfg
- Velveteens--mfg
- Voiles, cotton--mfg
- Waffle cloth, cotton--mfg
- Washcloths, woven: made in weaving mills--mfg
- Weaving mills, cotton broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- Wignan, cotton--mfg
- Window shade cloth, cotton--mfg
- Yarn: dyed fabrics, cotton--mfg