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Abbreviations -
2253 Knit outerwear mills
Mismatched = in META, URL
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SIC code 2253 includes:
- Bathing suits--mitse--mfg
- Bathrobes--mitse--mfg
- Beachwear--mitse--mfg
- Blouses--mitse--mfg
- Body stockings--mitse--mfg
- Caps--mitse--mfg
- Collar and cuff sets--mitse--mfg
- Dresses, hand-knit--mfg
- Dresses--mitse--mfg
- Dyeing and finishing knit outerwear,except hosiery, gloves, and nightwear--mfg
- Hats--mitse--mfg
- Headwear--mitse--mfg
- Housecoats--mitse--mfg
- Jackets--mitse--mfg
- Jerseys and sweaters--mitse--mfg
- Jogging suits--mitse--mfg
- Leotards--mitse--mfg
- Lounging robes--mitse--mfg
- Mufflers--mitse--mfg
- Neckties--mitse--mfg
- Outerwear handknitted: for the trade--mfg
- Pants, outerwear--mitse--mfg
- Polo shirts--mitse mfg
- Robes, lounging--mitse--mfg
- Scarfs--mitse--mfg
- Shawls--mitse--mfg
- Shirts, outerwear--mitse--mfg
- Shoulderettes--mitse--mfg
- Ski suits--mitse--mfg
- Skirts--mitse--mfg
- Slacks--mitse--mfg
- Sports shirts--mitse--mfg
- Suits--mitse--mfg
- Sweat bands--mitse--mfg
- Sweat pants--mitse--mfg
- Sweat shirts--mitse--mfg
- Sweaters and sweater coats--mitse--mfg
- Swimsuits--mitse--mfg
- T-shirts, outerwear--mitse--mfg
- T-shirts--mitse--mfg
- Tank tops--mitse--mfg
- Tennis shirts-- mitse--mfg
- Ties--mitse--mfg
- Trousers--mitse--mfg
- Warmup and jogging suits--mitse--mfg
- Wristlets--mitse--mfg