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2258 Lace & warp knit fabric mills
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SIC code 2258 includes:
- Barmen laces--mfg
- Bed sets, lace--mfg
- Bedspreads, lace: made on lace machines--mfg
- Bobbinet (lace goods)--mfg
- Cloth, warp knit--mitse--mfg
- Covers, lace: chair, dresser, piano, and table--mfg
- Curtains and curtain fabrics, lace--mfg
- Dyeing and finishing lace goods--mfg
- Dyeing and finishing warp knit fabrics--mfg
- Edgings, lace--mfg
- Fabric finishing, warp knit--mfg
- Fabrics, warp knit--mitse--mfg
- Finishing of warp knit fabrics--mfg
- Flouncings, lace--mfg
- Galloons, lace--mfg
- Knit fabrics, warp: knitting, dyeing, or finishing--mfg
- Lace goods: curtains, bedspreads, table covers, flouncings, and insertions--mfg
- Lace, knit--mfg
- Laces: Barmen, bobbinet, levers, and Nottingham--mfg
- Mosquito netting, warp lXnit--mitse--mfg
- Netting made on a lace or net machine--mfg
- Netting, knit--mitse--mfg
- Nottingham lace--mfg
- Pile fabrics, warp knit--mfg
- Table covers, lace--mfg
- Tricot fabrics--mfg
- Warp (nat) knit fabrics--mfg