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2269 Finishing plants, n.e.c.
Vaporizer : 2005 High Times Magazine Best Vaporizer of the Year
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SIC code 2269 includes:
- Bleaching raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics: except knit and wool--mfg
- Braided goods, except wool: bleaching,dyeing, printing, and other finishing--mfg
- Cloth mending, except wool: for the trade--mfg
- Dyeing raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics: except knit and wool--mfg
- Embossing linen broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- Finishing of raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics: except knit and wool--mfg
- Flock printing of narrow fabrics, except wool--mfg
- Gassing yarn--mfg
- Labels, cotton: printed--mfg
- Linen fabrics: dyeing, finishing, and printing--mfg
- Mercerizing yarn, braided goods, and narrow fabrics: except knit and wool--mfg
- Mill enders, contract: cotton, silk, and manmade fiber--mfg
- Narrow fabrics, except knit and wool:bleaching, dyeing, and finishing--mfg
- Printing narrow fabrics, except knit and wool--mfg
- Raw stock dyeing and other finishing,except wool--mfg
- Yarn bleaching, dyeing, and other finishing: except wool--mfg