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2655 Fiber cans, drums & similar products
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SIC code 2655 includes:
- Cones, fiber: for winding yarn, string, ribbons, or cloth--mfpm--mfg
- Containers, laminated phenolic and vulcanized fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Containers, liquid tight fiber (except sanitary food containers)-mfpm--mfg
- Cores, fiber (metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Drums, fiber (metal end or all fiber-mfpm--mfg
- Ammunition cans or tubes, paperboard laminated with metal foil--mfpm--mfg
- Bobbins, fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Bottles, paper fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Boxes, vulcanized fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Candelabra tubes, fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Cans, composite: foil-fiber and other combinations--mfpm--mfg
- Cans, fiber (metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Cases, mailing: paper fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Hampers, shipping: vulcanized fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Mailing cases and tubes, paper fiber(metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Pans and voids, fiber or cardboard--mfpm--mfg
- Reels, textile: fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Ribbon blocks, fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Shipping hampers, vulcanized fiber mfpm--mfg
- Spools, fiber (metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Textile reels, fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Textile spinning bobbins, fiber (metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm--mfg
- Tubes, fiber or paper (with or without metal ends)-mfpm--mfg
- Tubes, for chemical arid electrical uses:impregnated paper or fiber--mfpm--mfg
- Voids and pans, fiber and cardboard--mfpm--mfg
- Vulcanized fiber boxes--mfpm--mfg
- Wastebaskets, fiber (metal end or all-fiber-mfpm--mfg