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2833 Medicinals and botanicals
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SIC code 2833 includes:
- Quinine and derivatives--mfg
- Adrenal derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Agar-agar (ground)--mfg
- Alkaloids and salts--mfg
- Aliesthetics, in bulk form--mfg
- Animal oils, medicinal grade: refined and concentrated--mfg
- Antibiotics: bulk uncompounded--mfg
- Atropine and derivatives--mfg
- Barbituric acid and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Botanical products, medicinal: ground,graded, and milled--mfg
- Brucine and derivatives--mfg
- Caffeine and derivatives--mfg
- Chemicals, medicinal: organic and inorganic--bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Cinchona and derivatives--mfg
- Cocaine and derivatives--mfg
- Codeine and derivatives--mfg
- Digitoxin--mfg
- Drug grading, grinding, and milling--mfg
- Endocrine products--mfg
- Ephedrine and derivatives--mfg
- Ergot alkaloids--mfg
- Fish liver oils, refined and concentrated for medicinal use--mfg
- Gelatin, vegetable (agar-agar)--mfg
- Gland derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Glycosides--mfg
- Grading of drugs and herbs--mfg-
- Grinding of drugs and herbs--mfg
- Herb grinding, grading, and milling--mfg
- Hormones and derivatives--mfg
- Inorganic medicinal chemicals: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Insulin: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Kelp plants--mfg
- Mercury chlorides, U.S.P.--mfg
- Mercury compounds, medicinal: organic and inorganic--mfg
- Morphine and derivatives--mfg
- N-methylpiperazine--mfg
- Oils, vegetable and animal: medicinal grade--refined and concentrated--mfg
- Opium derivatives--mfg
- Organic medicinal chemicals: bulk--mfg
- Ox bile salts and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Penicillin: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Physostigmine and derivatives--mfg
- Pituitary gland derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Procaine and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Reserpines--mfg
- Salicylic acid derivatives, medicinal grade--mfg
- Strychnine and derivatives--mfg
- Sulfa drugs: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- Sulfonamides--mfg
- Theobromine--mfg
- Vegetable gelatin (agar-agar)--mfg
- Vegetable oils, medicinal grade: refined and concentrated--mfg
- Vitamins, natural and synthetic: bulk, uncompounded--mfg