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2861 Gum and wood chemicals
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SIC code 2861 includes:
- Quebracho extract--mfg
- Quercitron extract--mfg
- Acetate of lime, natural--mfg
- Acetone, natural--mfg
- Acid, pyroligneous--fig
- Alcohol, methyl: natural--mfg
- Alcohol, wood: natural (methanol)--mfg
- Annato extract--mfg
- Brazilwood extract--mfg
- Brewers, pitch, product of softwood distillation--mfg
- Calcium acetate, product of hardwood distillation--mfg
- Charcoal, except activated--mfg
- Chestnut extract--mfg
- Creosote, wood--mfg
- Distillates, wood--mfg
- Dragon,s blood--mfg
- Dyeing and extract materials, natural--mfg
- Dyestuffs, natural--mfg
- Ethyl acetate, natural--mfg
- Extracts, dyeing and tanning: natural--mfg
- Fustic wood extract--mfg
- Gambier extract--mfg
- Gum naval stores, processing but not gathering or warehousing-- mfg
- Hardwood distillates--mfg
- Hemlock extract--mfg
- Logwood extract--mfg
- Mangrove extract--mfg
- Methanol, natural (wood alcohol)--mfg
- Methyl acetone--mfg
- Methyl alcohol, natural (wood alcohol)--mfg
- Myrobalans extract--mfg
- Naval stores, gum: processing but not gathering or warehousing--mfg
- Naval stores, wood--mfg
- Oak extract--mfg
- Oil, pine: produced by distillation of pine-gum or pine wood--mfg
- Oils, wood: product of hardwood distillation--mfg
- Pine oil, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood--mfg
- Pit charcoal--mfg
- Pitch, wood--mfg
- Pyroligrieous acid--mfg
- Rosin, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood--mfg
- Softwood distillates--mfg
- Sumac extract--mfg
- Tall oil, except skimmings--mfg
- Tanning extracts and materials, natural--mfg
- Tar and tar oils, products of wood distillation--mfg
- Turpentine, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood--mfg
- Valonia extract--mfg
- Wattle extract--mfg
- Wood alcohol, natural--mfg
- Wood creosote-mfg
- Wood distillates--mfg
- Wood oils, product of hardwood distillation--mfg