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Last Modified: 01/04/2006 05:14:41
3229 Pressed and blown glass, n.e.c.
1 entries
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SIC code 3229 includes:
- Art glassware, made in glass making plants--mfg
- Ashtrays, glass--mfg
- Barware, glass--mfg
- Battery jars, glass--mfg
- Blanks for electric light bulbs, glass--mfg
- Blocks, glass--mfg
- Bowls, glass--mfg
- Brick, glass--mfg
- Bulbs for electric lights, without filaments or sockets--mitse--mfg
- Candlesticks, glass--mfg
- Centerpieces, glass--mfg
- Chimneys, lamp: glass--pressed or blown--mfg
- Christmas tree ornaments, from glass--mitse--mfg
- Clip cups,glass -- mfg
- Cooking utensils, glass and glass ceramic--mfg
- Decorative glassware: made in glass making establishments--mfg
- Drinking straws, glass--mfg
- Electrical insulators, glass--mfg
- Fiber optics strands--mfg
- Fibers, glass, textile--mfg
- Flameware, glass and glass ceramic--mfg
- Frying pans, glass and glass ceramic--mfg
- Glass and glassware made in glassmaking establishiments: for industrial, scientific,and technical use--mfg
- Glass blanks for electric light bulbs--mfg
- Glass brick--mfg
- Glassware, except glass containers for packing, bottling, and canning--mfg
- Glassware: art, decorative, and novelty--mfg
- Goblets, glass--mfg
- Illuminating glass: light shades, reflectors,lamp chimneys, and globes--mfg
- Industrial glassware and glass products,pressed or blown--mfg
- Inkwells, glass--mfg
- Insulators, electrical: glass--mfg
- Lamp parts, glass--mfg
- Lamp shades, glass--mfg
- Lantern globes, glass: pressed or blown--mfg
- Lens blanks, optical and ophthalmic--mfg
- Lenses, glass: for lanterns, flashlights,headlights, and searchlights--mfg
- Level vials for instruments, glass--mfg
- Light shades, glass: pressed or blown--mfg
- Lighting glassware, pressed or blown--mfg
- Novelty glassware: made in glassmaking plants--mfg
- Ophthalmic glass, except flat--mfg
- Ophthalmic lens blanks--mfg
- Optical glass blanks--mfg
- Optical lens blanks--mfg
- Ornaments, Christmas tree: glass--mitse--mfg
- Ovenware, glass--mfg
- Photomask blanks, glass--mfg
- Reflectors for lighting equipment, glass:pressed or blown--mfg
- Refrigerator dishes and jars, glass--mfg
- Scientific glassware, pressed or blown:made in glassmaking plants--mfg
- Shades, lamp: glass--mfg
- Smokers, glassware: ashtrays, tobacco jars,etc.--mfg
- Stationers, glassware: inkwells, clip cups,etc.--mfg
- Stemware, glass--mfg
- Straws, glass--mfg
- Tableware, glass and glass ceramic--mfg
- Tea kettles, glass and glass ceramic--mfg
- Technical glassware and glass products,pressed or blown--mfg
- Television tube blanks, glass--mfg
- Textile glass fibers--mfg
- Tobacco jars, glass--mfg
- Trays, glass--mfg
- Tubing, glass--mfg
- Tumbletrs, glass--mfg
- Vases, glass--mfg
- Yarn, fiberglass: made in glass plants-- mfg