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Businesses around the world classified by Standard Industry Code (SIC) (1987 US codes).
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3312 Blast furnaces and steel mills
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SIC code 3312 includes:
- Armor plate, made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Axles, rolled or forged: made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- Bars, iron: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Bars, steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills--mfg
- Beehive coke oven products--mfg
- Billets, steel--mfg
- Blackplate--mfg
- Blast furnace products--mfg
- Blooms--mfg
- Car wheels, rolled--mfg
- Chemical recovery coke oven products--mfg
- Coal gas, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Coal tar crudes, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Coke, produced in beehive ovens--mfg
- Coke, produced in chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Distillates, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Fence posts, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Flats, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills--mfg
- Forgings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Frogs, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Galvanized hoops, pipes, plates, sheets,and strips: iron and steel--mfg
- Gas, coal: derived from chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Gun forgings, iron and steel: made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- Hoops, galvanized iron and steel--mfg
- Hoops, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot rolling mills--mfg
- Hot-rolled iron and steel products--mfg
- Ingots, steel--mfg
- Iron sinter, made in steel mills--mfg
- Iron, pig--mfg
- Nut rods, iron and steel: made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- Pig iron--mfg
- Pilings, sheet, plain: iron and steel--mfg
- Pipe, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Plates, made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Rail joints and fastenings, made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- Railroad crossings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Rails, iron and steel--mfg
- Rails, rerolled or renewed--mfg
- Rods, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Rounds, tube--mfg
- Sheet pilings, plain: iron and steel--made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Sheets, steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills--mfg
- Shell slugs, steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Skelp, iron and steel--mfg
- Slabs, steel--mfg
- Spike rods, made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Sponge iron--mfg
- Stainless steel--mfg
- Steel works producing bars, rods, plates,sheets, structural shapes, etc.--mfg
- Strips, galvanized iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Strips, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills--mfg
- Structural 6hapes, iron and steel--mfg
- Tar, derived from chemical recovery coke ovens--mfg
- Terneplate--mfg
- Ternes, iron and steel: long or short--mfg
- Tie plates, iron and steel--mfg
- Tin-free steel--mfg
- Tinplate--mfg
- Tool steel--mfg
- Tube rounds--mfg
- Tubes, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Tubing, seamless: steel--mfg
- Tubing, wrought: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Well casings, iron and steel: made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- Wheels, car and locomotive: iron and steel--mitse--mfg
- Wire products, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills--mfg
- Wrought pipe and tubing, made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg