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3523 Farm machinery and equipment
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SIC code 3523 includes:
- Agricultural hand sprayers--mfg
- Agricultural implements and machinery--mfg
- Ammonia applicators and attachments (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Animal clippers, hand and electric--mfg
- Bale throwers--mfg
- Balers, farm: e.g., hay, straw, cotton--mfg
- Barn cleaners--mfg
- Barn stanchions and standards--mfg
- Berry and grain separators, farm--mfg
- Blowers and cutters, ensilage--mfg
- Blowers, forage--mfg
- Brooders--mfg
- Cabs, agricultural machinery--mfg
- Calf savers (farm equipment)--mfg
- Cattle feeding, handling, and watering equipment--mfg
- Cattle oilers (farm equipment)--mfg
- Chicken brooders--mfg
- Chicken feeders--mfg
- Cleaning machines for fruits, grains, and vegetables: farm--mfg
- Clippers, hair: for animal use--hand and electric--mfg
- Combines (harvester-threshers)--mfg
- Conveyors, farm (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Corn heads for combines--mfg
- Corn pickers and shellers, farm--mfg
- Corrals, portable-mfg
- Cotton balers and presses--mfg
- Cotton picker and stripper harvesting machinery--mfg
- Cream separators, farm--mfg
- Crop driers, farm--mfg
- Crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Cultivators, agricultural field and row crop--mfg
- Curers, tobacco--mfg
- Cutters, ensilage--mfg
- Dairy equipment, farm--mfg
- Drags (agricultural equipment)--mfg
- Driers: grain, hay, and seed (agricultural implements)--mfg
- Dusters, mechanical: agricultural--mfg
- Elevators, farm--mfg
- Ensilage blowers and cutters--mfg
- Farm elevators--mfg
- Farm machinery and equipment--mfg
- Farm tractors--mfg
- Farm wagons--mfg
- Feed grinders, crushers, and mixers (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Feed grinders--mixers--mfg
- Feeders, chicken--mfg
- Fertilizing machinery, farm--mfg
- Field type rotary tillers (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Forage blowers--mfg
- Forage harvesters--mfg
- Fruit grading, cleaning, and sorting machines--mfg
- Fruit, vegetable, berry, and grape harvesting machines--mfg
- Gates, holding (farm equipment)--mfg
- Grading, cleaning, and sorting machines:fruit, grain, and vegetable--mfg
- Grain drills, including legume planters(agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Grain grading, cleaning, and sorting machines--mfg
- Grain stackers--mfg
- Greens mowing equipment--mfg
- Grinders and crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Grounds mowing equipment--mfg
- Hair clippers for animal use, hand and electric--mfg
- Hammer and roughage mills (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Harrows: disc, spring, and tine--mfg
- Harvesting machines--mfg
- Hay balers and presses, farm--mfg
- Haying machines: mowers, rakes, loaders,stackers, balers, presses, etc.--mfg
- Hog feeding, handling, and watering equipment--mfg
- Hulling machinery, agricultural--mfg
- Incubators, except laboratory and infant--mfg
- Irrigation equipment, self-propelled--mfg
- Land rollers and levelers (agricultural machinery)-mfg
- Listers--mfg
- Loaders, farm type (general utility)--mfg
- Milking machines--mfg
- Mowers and mower-conditioners, hay--mfg
- Nut shellers (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Peanut combines, diggers, packers, and threshers (agricultural equipment)--mfg
- Planting machines, agricultural--mfg
- Plows, agricultural: disc, moldboard,chisel, etc.--mfg
- Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters(agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers--mfg
- Poultry vision control devices--mfg
- Presses and balers, farm: hay, cotton,etc.--mfg
- Pulverizers, soil (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Rakes, hay (agricultural machinery)_mfg
- Rollers and levelers, land ( agricultural machinery)-mfg
- Rotary hoes (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Roughage mills (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Seeders (agricultural machinery)-mfg
- Separators, cream: farm--mfg
- Separators, grain and berry: farm--mfg
- Shears, sheep: power--mfg
- Sheep shears, power--mfg
- Shellers, nut (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Shredders (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Silo fillers (agricultural machinery )-mfg
- Silo unloaders--mfg
- Soil pulverizers and packers (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Sorting machines for agricultural products--mfg
- Sprayers, hand: agricultural--mfg
- Spraying machines (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Spreaders, fertilizer--mfg
- Stackers, hay and grain--mfg
- Stalk choppers, shredders--mfg
- Stanchions and standards, barn--mfg
- Tobacco curers--mfg
- Tobacco harvesters--mfg
- Tomato harvesters--mfg
- Tractors, wheel: farm type--mfg
- Trailers and wagons, farm--mfg
- Transplanters--mfg
- Tree shakers (nuts, soft fruits, and citrus)--mfg
- Troughs, water--mfg
- Turf equipment, commercial--mfg
- Vegetable grading, cleaning and sorting machines: farm--mfg
- Vine pullers--mfg
- Volume guns (irrigation equipment)--mfg
- Wagons and trailers, farm--mfg
- Water troughs--mfg
- Weeding machines, farm--mfg
- Windmill heads and towers--mfg
- Windmills for pumping water (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- Windrowers (agricultural machinery)--mfg