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3556 Food products machinery
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SIC code 3556 includes:
- Bakery machinery--mfg
- Biscuit cutters (machines)--mfg
- Bread slicing machines--mfg
- Brewers, and maltsers, machinery--mfg
- Butter making and butter working machinery--mfg
- Cheese making machinery--mfg
- Chewing gum machinery--mfg
- Chocolate processing machinery--mfg
- Choppers, food: commercial types--mfg
- Coffee roasting and grinding machines--mfg
- Condensed and evaporated milk machinery--mfg
- Confectionery machinery--mfg
- Corn popping machines, industrial type--mfg
- Cracker making machines--mfg
- Cream separators, industrial--mfg
- Cutters, biscuit (machines)--mfg
- Dairy products machinery and equipment--mfg
- Dehydrating equipment, food processing--mfg
- Dies, biscuit cutting--mfg
- Distillery machinery--mfg
- Dough mixing machinery--mfg
- Dry milk processing machinery--mfg
- Feed mixers, except agricultural machinery--mfg
- Fish and shellfish processing machinery-- mfg
- Flour mill machinery--mfg
- Food choppers, grinders, mixers, and slicers: commercial type--mfg
- Freezers, ice cream: commercial--mfg
- Grain mill machinery--mfg
- Grinders, food: commercial types--mfg
- Homogenizing machinery: dairy, fruit, vegetable, and other foods--mfg
- Ice cream manufacturing machinery--mfg
- Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable: commercial type--mfg
- Macaroni machinery: for making macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles--mfg
- Malt mills--mfg
- Meat and poultry processing machinery--mfg
- Meat grinders--mfg
- Milk processing machinery--mfg
- Mills and presses: beet, cider, and sugar-cane--mfg
- Mixers and whippers, electric: for food manufacturing industries--mfg
- Mixers, feed: except agricultural machinery--mfg
- Mixers, food: commercial types--mfg
- Oiiseed crushing and extracting machinery--mfg
- Ovens, bakery--mfg
- Pasteurizing equipment, dairy and other food--mfg
- Peanut roasting machines--mfg
- Potato peelers, electric--mfg
- Presses: cheese, beet, cider, and sugar-cane--mfg
- Roasting machinery: coffee, peanut, etc.--mfg
- Sausage stuffers--mfg
- Separators, cream: industrial--mfg
- Sifting machines, food--mfg
- Slicing machines, fruit and vegetable: commercial types--mfg
- Stuffers, sausage--mfg
- Sugar plant machinery--mfg
- Vegetable oil processing machinery--mfg