Vancouver Webpages Classifieds
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Alphabetic Classification Codes
- 3841 IV transfusion apparatus--mfg
- 3069 Ice bags, rubber or rubberized fabric--mfg
- 3822 Ice bank controls--mfg
- 3632 Ice boxes, household--mfg
- 3585 Ice boxes, industrial--mfg
- 3089 Ice buckets, plastics: except foam--mfg
- 3429 Ice chests or coolers, portable, except insulated foam plastics--mfg
- 3089 Ice chests or coolers, portable, plastics:except insulated or foam plastics--mfg
- 3086 Ice chests or coolers, portable: foamedplastics--mfg
- 5451 Ice cream (packaged) stores--retail
- 5143 Ice cream and ices--wholesale
- 5078 Ice cream cabinets--wholesale
- 3411 Ice cream cans, metal--mfg
- 2052 Ice cream cones and wafers--mfg
- 2657 Ice cream containers, folding paperboard--mfpm--mfg
- 2656 Ice cream containers, nonfolding paperboard--mfpm--mfg
- 3469 Ice cream dippers--mfg
- 3499 Ice cream freezers, household, nonelectric:metal--mfg
- 3556 Ice cream manufacturing machinery--mfg
- 2023 Ice cream mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry--mfg
- 5812 Ice cream stands
- 5963 Ice cream wagons--retail
- 2024 Ice cream: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, onsticks--mfg
- 3634 Ice crushers, electric--mfg
- 3569 Ice crushers, except household--mfg
- 2097 Ice cubes--mfg
- 5999 Ice dealers--retail
- 7941 Ice hockey clubs, professional or semiprofessional
- 3822 Ice maker controls--mfg
- 3585 Ice making machinery--mfg
- 5078 Ice malcing machines--wholesale
- 2023 Ice milk mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry--mfg
- 2024 Ice rnilk: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, onsticks--mfg
- 2097 Ice plants, operated by public utilities--mfg
- 3949 Ice skates--mfg
- 7999 Ice skating rink operation
- 2097 Ice, manufactured or artificial: except dryice--mfg
- 5199 Ice, manufactured or natural--wholesale
- 2086 Iced tea, bottled or canned--mfg
- 1499 Iceland spar mining (optical grade calcite)
- 2024 Ices and sherbets--mfg
- 4742 Icing of railroad cars
- 7389 Identification engraving service
- 3999 Identification plates--mfg
- 3999 Identification tags, except paper--mfg
- 5043 Identity recorders for photographingchecks and fingerprints--wholesale
- 2899 Igniter grairss, boron potassium nitrate--mfg
- 3483 Igniters, tracer: for ammunition morethan 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)--- mfg
- 3694 Ignition apparatus for internal combustionengines--mfg
- 3694 Ignition cable sets or vire assemblies forinternal combustion engines--mfg
- 3822 Ignition controls for gas appliances andfurnaces, automatic--mfg
- 7539 Ignition service, automotive
- 3694 Ignition systems, high frequency--mfg
- 3825 Ignition testing instruments--mfg
- 3612 Ignition transformers--mfg
- 3229 Illuminating glass: light shades, reflectors,lamp chimneys, and globes--mfg
- 2911 Illuminating oil, produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 1099 llmenite mining
- 3299 Images, small: gypsum, clay, or papiermache--factory production only--mfg
- 3634 lmmersion heaters, household: electric--mfg
- 9121 lmmigration services--government
- 9431 Immunization program administration--government
- 3679 Impedance conversion units, high frequency--mfg
- 3825 Impedance measuring equipment--mfg
- 3824 Impeller and counter driven flow meters--mfg
- 3842 Implants, surgical--mfg
- 1389 Impounding and storing salt water in connection with petroleum production
- 4971 Impounding reservoirs, irrigation
- 2295 Impregnating and coating of fabrics,except rubberizing--mfg
- 3843 Impression material, dental--mfg
- 2759 Imprinting, except lithographed or gravure--mfg
- 2754 Imprinting: gravure--mfg
- 2835 In vitro diagnostics--mfg
- 2835 In vivo diagnostics--mfg
- 2835 In vivo radioactive reagents--mfg
- 3822 Inbuilt thermostats, filled system and bi-metal types--mfg
- 3641 Incandescent filament lamp bulbs, complete--mfg
- 3559 Incandescent lamp making machinery--mfg
- 2899 Incense--mfg
- 3822 Incinerator control systems, residentialand commercial types--mfg
- 1796 Incinerator installation, small-contrac-tors
- 4953 Incinerator operation
- 3272 Incinerators, concrete--mfg
- 3567 lncinerators, metal: domestic and commercial--mfg
- 7291 Income tax return preparation serviceswithout accounting, auditing, or bookkeeping services
- 3523 Incubators, except laboratory and infant--mfg
- 3842 Incubators, infant--mfg
- 3821 Incubators, laboratory--mfg
- 2675 Index and other cut cards--mfpm--mfg
- 3952 India ink--mfg
- 3949 lndian clubs--mfg
- 5084 lndicating instruments and accessories--wholesale
- 3825 Indicating instruments, electric--mfg
- 3829 Indicator testers, turntable--mfg
- 2865 Indicators, chemical--mfg
- 2819 Indium chloride--mfg
- 3567 Induction heating equipment--mfg
- 3677 Inductors, electronic--mfg
- 2869 Industrial alcohol denatured (nonbeverageSmfg
- 6512 Industrial and commercial buildings, operators of
- 2296 Industrial belting reinforcement, cord andfabric--mfg
- 3991 Industrial brooms and brushes--mfg
- 1541 Industrial building construction--generalcontractors
- 5169 Industrial chemicals--wholesale
- 3625 Industrial controls: push button, selectorswitches, and pilot--mfg
- 8748 Industrial development planning service,comniercial
- 1796 Industrial equipment installation-con-tractors
- 5812 Industrial feeding
- 5085 Industrial fittings--wholesale
- 2326 Industrial garments: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 5169 Industrial gases--wholesale
- 3229 Industrial glassware and glass products,pressed or blown--mfg
- 3231 Industrial glassware, made from purchased glass--mfg
- 1629 Industrial incinerator construction-gen-eral contractors
- 8731 Industrial laboratories, commercial research: except testing
- 7218 lndustrial launderers
- 3646 Industrial lighting fixtures--mfg
- 6141 Industrial loan "banks,,, not engaged indeposit banking
- 6141 Industrial loan companies, not engaged indeposit banking
- 3743 Industrial locomotives and parts--mfg
- 3646 lndustrial mercury lighting fixtures--mfg
- 3544 Industrial molds--mfg
- 7812 Industrial motion picture production
- 5063 Industrial motor controls--wholesale
- 2869 Industrial organic cyclic compounds--mfg
- 1629 Industrial plant appurtenance construction--general contractors
- 1541 lndustrial plant construction--generalcontractors
- 2842 lndustrial plant disinfectants and deodorants--mfg
- 3823 lndustrial process control instruments--mfg
- 3567 Industrial process furnaces and ovens,except bakery ovens--mfg
- 5047 lndustrial safety devices: firstaid kits, faceand eye masks--wholesale
- 5169 Industrial salts--wholesale
- 1446 Industrial sand mining
- 3596 Industrial scales--mfg
- 5085 Industrial sewing thread--wholesale
- 2899 Industrial sizes--mfg
- 8611 Industrial standards committees
- 3537 Industrial truck cranes--mfg
- 7359 Industrial truck rental and leasing
- 7699 Industrial truck repair
- 3537 Industrial trucks and tractors--mfg
- 7218 Industrial uniform supply service
- 5085 Industrial wheels--wholesale
- 5199 Industrial yarn--wholesale
- 3812 Inertial navigation systems, aeronautical--mfg
- 3842 Infant incubators--mfg
- 2043 Infants, foods, cereal type--mfg
- 5641 Infants, wear stores--retail
- 5137 Infants, wear--wholesale
- 7375 Information retrieval services, online
- 2742 Information providers, electronic
- 4731 Information service, freight rate
- 3812 Infrared homing systems, aeronautical--mfg
- 3823 Infrared instruments, industrial processtype--mfg
- 3641 Infrared lamp bulbs--mfg
- 3648 Infrared lamp fixtures--mfg
- 3567 Infrared ovens, industrial--mfg
- 3674 Infrared sensors, solidXtate--mfg
- 3826 Infrared type analytical instniments, laboratory type--mfg
- 3321 Ingot molds and stools--mfg
- 3355 Ingot, aluminum: made in rolling mills--mfg
- 3334 Ingots, aluminum: primary--mfg
- 3331 Ingots, copper: primary--mfg
- 3339 Ingots, lead--mfg
- 3341 Ingots, nonferrous: smelting and refining--secondary--mfg
- 3339 1ngots, primary: nonferrous metals, exceptcopper and aluminum--mfg
- 3312 Ingots, steel--mfg
- 5051 Ingots-wholesale
- 8049 Inhalation therapisl:s, rsstered
- 3841 Inhalation therapy equipment--mfg
- 3841 Inhalators, surgical and medical--mfg
- 2899 Ink and Xting fluids, except pnnting anddrawing--mfg
- 2842 Ink eradicators--mfg
- 2842 Ink, burnishing--mfg
- 3952 Ink, drawing: black and colored--mfg
- 2893 Ink, duplicating--mfg
- 2899 Ink, indelible--mfg
- 5085 Ink, printers,--wholesale
- 2893 Ink, printing: base or finished--mfg
- 2899 Ink, stamp pad--mfg
- 5112 Ink, writing--wholesale
- 5112 Inked ribbons--wholesale
- 3229 Inkwells, glass--mfg
- 2499 Inlays for furniture (veneers)--mfg
- 3131 Inner soles, leather--mfg
- 3011 Inner tubes: airplane, automobile, bicycle,motorcycle, and tractor--mfg
- 7011 Inns, furnishing food and lodging
- 2819 Inorganic acids, except nitric or phosphoric--mfg
- 2833 Inorganic medicinal chemicals: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- 2816 Inorganic pigments--mfg
- 3577 Input/output eqliipment, computer: exceptterXals--mfg
- 0721 Insect control for crops, svith or withoutfertilX
- 2879 Insect powder, household--mfg
- 3496 Insect screening, woven wire: made frompurchased wire--mfg
- 2879 Insecticides, agricultural--mfg
- 2879 Insecticides, household--mfg
- 5191 Insecticides--wholesale
- 3545 Inserts, cutting tool--mfg
- 3999 Insignia, military: except textile--mfg
- 2399 Insignia, military: textile--mfg
- 9651 Inspection for labor standllrds-govern-ment
- 7389 Inspection of commodities, not connectedwith transportation
- 2899 Inspection oil, fluorescent--mfg
- 7549 Inspection service, automotive
- 4785 Inspection services connected with trangportation
- 1796 Installation of machinery and other indugtrial equipmentXontractors
- 6153 lnstallment notes, buying of
- 6153 Installment paper dealer
- 6141 Installment sales finance, other thanbanks
- 2095 Instant coffee--mfg
- 2752 Instant printing, except photocopy service--mfg
- 1542 Institutional building construction, nonrvsidential--general contractors
- 3646 Institutional lighting fixtures--mfg
- 3714 Iristrument board assemblies, motor vehicle--mfg
- 3812 Instrument landing system instrumentation, airborne or airport--mfg
- 3827 Instrument lenses--mfg
- 3728 Instrument panel mockups: aircraft training units--mfg
- 3825 Instrument relays, all types--mfg
- 3825 Instrument shunts--mfg
- 3495 Instrument springs, precision: made frompurchased wire--mfg
- 3612 Instrument transformers, except portable--mfg
- 3829 Instrumentation for reactor controls, auxiliary--mfg
- 3695 Instrumentation type tape, blank--mfg
- 3841 Instruments and apparatus, except electrbmedical: medical, surgical, ophthalmic,and veterinary--mfg
- 3823 Instruments for industrial process control--mfg
- 3825 Instruments for measuring electricalquantities--mfg
- 3825 Instruments, electric: for testing electricalcharacteristics--mfg
- 3952 Instruments, lettering: artists,--mfg
- 3841 Instruments, microsurgical: except electromedical--mfg
- 3931 Instruments, musical--mfg
- 3861 Instruments, photographic--mfg
- 3357 Insulated wire and cable, nonferrous--mfg
- 2679 Insulating batts, fills, and blankets:paper--mfpm--mfg
- 2899 Insulating compounds--mfg
- 3255 Insulating firebrick and shapes, clay--mfg
- 3211 Insulating glass, sealed units--mitse--mfg
- 3292 Insulating materials for covering boilersand pipes--mfg
- 2499 Insulating materials, cork--mfg
- 3275 Insulating plaster, gypsum--mfg
- 2493 Insulating siding, board--mitse--mfg
- 2952 Insulating siding, impregnated--mfpm--mfg
- 2241 Insulating tapes and braids, electric,except plastics--mfg
- 3086 Insulation and cushioning: foamed plastics--mfg
- 2493 Insulation board, cellular fiber or hardpressed (without gypsum)--mitse--mfg
- 1742 Insulation installation, buildings-contrac-tors
- 5211 Insulation material, building--retail
- 1799 Insulation of pipes and boilers-contrac-tors
- 2679 Insulation, cellulose--mfpm--mfg
- 3292 Insulation, molded asbestos--mfg
- 5033 Insulation, thermal--wholesale
- 3296 Insulation: rock wool, fiberglass, slag, andsilica minerals--mfg
- 2298 lnsulator pads, cordage--mfg
- 3644 Insulators, electrical: except glass and ceramic--mfg
- 3229 Insulators, electrical: glass--mfg
- 5063 Insulators, electrical--wholesale
- 3264 Insulators, porcelain--mfg
- 2834 Insulin preparations--mfg
- 2833 Insulin: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- 3299 Insulsleeves (foundry materials)--mfg
- 6411 Insurance adjusters
- 6411 Insurance advisory services
- 6411 Insurance agents
- 6411 Insurance brokers
- 6512 Insurance buildings, operation of
- 6321 Insurance carriers, accident
- 6321 Insurance carriers, health
- 6311 Insurance carriers, life
- 6331 Insurance carriers: fire, marine, and casualty
- 6411 Insurance claim adjusters, not employedby insurance companies
- 9651 Insurance commissions--government
- 6411 Insurance educational services
- 6411 Insurance information bureaus
- 6411 Insurance inspection and investigationservices
- 6411 Insurance loss prevention services
- 6411 Insurance patrol services
- 8099 Insurance physical examination service,except by physicians
- **** Insurance policy sales through vendingmachines--code as insurance
- 6411 Insurance professional standards services
- 6411 Insurance rate makiing services
- 6411 Insurance reporting services
- 6411 Insurance research services
- 6411 Insurance services
- 6321 Insurance, accident and health
- 6399 Insurance, bank deposit or share
- 6351 Insurance, credit or other financial responsibility
- 6351 Insurance, fidelity
- 6311 Insurance, life
- 6351 Insurance, surety
- 6361 lnsurance, title protection
- 6331 lnsurance: fire, marine, and casualty
- 2851 lntaglio ink vehicle--mfg
- 2754 lntaglio printing--mfg
- 3674 lntegrated microcircuits--mfg
- 3825 lntegrated circuit testers--mfg
- 3825 lntegrating electricity meters--mfg
- 3824 lntegrating meters, nonelectric--mfg
- 3432 lnterceptors, plumbers,--mfg
- 4131 lntercity bus lines
- 4423 lntercoastal transportation of freight
- 3669 Intercommunications equipment,electronic--mfg
- 1731 lntercommunications equipment installation--contractors
- 7622 Intercommunications equipment repair
- 5065 Intercommunications equipment, electronic--wholesale
- 3443 Intercooler shells--mfg
- 3827 Interferometers--mfg
- 7389 Interior decorating consulting service,except painters and paperhangers**t' Interior decorators, vfith stock: code according to the merchandise retail
- 7389 lnterior designing service, except paintersand paperhangers
- 2211 Interlining material, cotton--mfg
- 2396 Interlinings, pockets, belt loops, etc.--men's and boys'--mfg
- 2396 Interlinings: for suits and coats--men'sand boys'--mfg
- 8052 lntermediate care facilities
- 6159 Intermediate investment "banks,,
- 2865 Intermediates, cyclic (coal tar)--mfg
- 3462 Internal combustion engine (stationaryand mobile) forgings, ferrous: not madein rolling mills--mfg
- 3825 lnternal combustion engine analyzers, totest electrical characteristics--mfg
- 3519 Internal combustion engines, except aircraft and nondiesel automotive--mfg
- 7391 Internet Service Providers, dialup access, except BBS
- 4131 Interstate bus lines
- 3555 Intertype machines--mfg
- 4131 Interurban bus lines
- 3743 Interurban cars and car equipment--mfg
- 4011 Interurban railways
- 3851 Intra ocular lenses--mfg
- 4449 Intracoastal freight transportation
- 3842 Intrauterine devices--mfg
- 2834 Intravenous solutions--mfg
- 7352 Invalid supplies rental and leasing
- 8999 Inventors
- 2782 Inventory blankbooks--mfg
- 7389 Inventory computing service
- 2062 Invert sugar--mfg
- 3629 Inverters, nonrotating: electrical--mfg
- 3621 Inverters, rotating: electrical--mfg
- 7381 Investigators, private
- 6282 Investment advisory service
- 6211 Investment bankers
- 3324 Investment castings, steel--mfg
- 6211 Investment certificates, sale of
- 6799 Investment clubs
- 6159 1nvestment companies, small business
- 6282 Investment counselors
- 6211 Investment firm--general brokerage
- 6722 Investment funds (management) openXnd
- 6726 Investment funds, closedend: managementof
- 6719 Investment holding companies, exceptbank
- 3843 Investment material, dental--mfg
- 6282 Investment research
- 6726 Investment trusts, unit
- 6726 Investors, syndicates
- 2759 Invitations, engraved--mfg
- 2819 Iodides--mfg
- 2835 Iodinated diagnostic agents--mfg
- 2819 Iodine, elemental--mfg
- 2819 Iodine, resublimed--mfg
- 2834 Iodine, tincture of--mfg
- 3829 Ion chambers--mfg
- 2821 Ion exchange resins--mfg
- 2821 Ionomer resins--mfg
- 2869 Ionone--mfg
- 1099 Iridium ore mining
- 3339 Iridium refining, primary--mfg
- 3341 Iridium smelting and refining, secondary--mfg
- 0134 Irish potato farms
- 1011 Iron agglomerate and pellet production
- 5051 Iron and steel flat products--wholesale
- 5093 Iron .and steel scraXwholesale
- 5051 Iron and steel semifinished products--wholesale
- 2816 Iron blue pigments--mfg
- 3321 Iron castings, ductile and nodular--mfg
- 2891 Iron cement, household--mfg
- 2816 Iron colors--mfg
- 3842 Iron lungs--mfg
- 1011 Iron ore dressing (beneficiation) plants
- 1011 Iron ore mining
- 1011 Iron ore, blocked: mining
- 3399 Iron ore, recovery from open hearth slag--mfg
- 5052 Iron ore--wholesale
- 2816 Iron oxide, black--mfg
- 2816 Iron oxide, magnetic--mfg
- 2816 Iron oxide, yellow--mfg
- 3312 Iron sinter, made in steel mills--mfg
- 2819 lron sulphate--mfg
- 1799 Iron work, ornamental--contractors
- 1791 Iron work, structural-ontractors
- 3312 Iron, pig--mfg
- 5051 Iron, pig--wholesale
- 3399 lron, powdered--mfg
- 3469 Ironer parts, porcelain enameled--mfg
- 3633 Ironers and mangles, household, exceptportable irons--mfg
- 3582 Ironers, commercial laundry and drycleaning--mfg
- 5064 Ironers, household: electric--wholesale
- 2392 Ironing board pads--mfpm--mfg
- 3499 Ironing boards, metal--mfg
- 2499 Ironing boards, wood--mfg
- 3634 Irons, domestic: electric--mfg
- 3953 Irons, marking or branding--mfg
- 3423 Ironworkers, handtools--mfg
- 3844 Irradiation equipment--mfg
- 9631 Irrigation districts--nonoperating
- 3523 Irrigation equipment, self-propelled--mfg
- 5083 Irrigation equipment--wholesale
- 3272 Irrigation pipe, concrete--mfg
- 3444 Irrigation pipe, sheet metal--mfg
- 1629 Irrigation projects construction--generalcontractors
- 4971 Irrigation system operation
- 0721 Irrigation system operation services (notproviding water)
- 1321 Isobutane (natural) production
- 2821 Isobutylene polymers--mfg
- 2822 Isobutylene-isoprene rubbers--mfg
- 2822 Isocyanate type rubber--mfg
- 2865 Isocyanates--mfg
- 3612 Isolation transformers--mfg
- 2822 Isoprene rubbers, synthetic--mfg
- 2869 Isopropyl alcohol--mfg
- 2819 Isotopes, radioactive--mfg
- 6726 Issuing of faceamount installment certifi-cates
- 2032 Italian foods, canned--mfg
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