Vancouver Webpages Classifieds
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Alphabetic Classification Codes
- 5031 MDF (Medium density fiberboard)-whole-sale
- 2493 MDF (medium density fiberboard)--mfg
- 0173 Macadamia groves and farms
- 2098 Macaroni and products, dry: e.g., alphabets, rings, seashells--mfg
- 3556 Macaroni machinery: for making macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles--mfg
- 2032 Macaroni, canned--mfg
- 5149 Macaroni--wholesale
- 3423 Machetes--mfg
- 3499 Machine bases, metal--mfg
- 3915 Machine chain, platinum or karat gold--mfg
- 3444 Machine guards, sheet metal--mfg
- 3484 Machine gun belts, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less--mfg
- 3484 Machine guns and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less--mfg
- 3489 Machine guns, more than 30 mm. (or morethan 1.18 inch)--mfg
- 5099 Machine guns--wholesale
- 3452 Machine keys--mfg
- 3423 Machine knives, except metal cutting--mfg
- 3545 Machine knives, metalworking--mfg
- 3089 Machine nuts, plastics--mfg
- 3469 Machine parts, stamped and pressedmetal--mfg
- 1796 Machine riggingXontractors
- 3599 Machine shops, jobbing and repair--mfg
- 5084 Machine tool accessories--wholesale
- 3545 Machine tool attachments and accessories--mfg
- 8711 Machine tool designers
- 3541 Machine tool replacement and repairparts, metal cutting types--mfg
- 3612 Machine tool transformers--mfg
- 3541 Machine tools, metal cutting: e.g., exotic,chemical, explosive--mfg
- 3542 Machine tools, metal forming types: including rebuilding--mfg
- 5084 . Machine tools--wholesale
- 6159 Machinery and equipment finance leasing
- 3365 Machinely castings, aluminum: except diecastings--mfg
- 3369 Machinery castings, nonferrous: exceptaluminum, copper, copper alloys, anddiecastings--mfg
- 3366 Machinery castings: brass, copper, andcopperbase alloyXxcept die castings--mfg
- 7699 Machinery cleaning
- 3462 Machinery forgings, ferrous: not made inrolling mills--mfg
- 3463 Machinery forgings, nonferrous: not madein hotrolling mills--mfg
- 5084 Machinists, precision measuring tools--wholesale
- 3812 Machmeters--mfg
- 0912 Mackerel, catching of
- 2091 Mackerel: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled--mfg
- 2329 Mackinaws: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 2511 Magazine racks, wood--mfg
- 5994 Magazine stands--retail
- 5963 Magazine subscription sales, except mailorder--retail
- 2789 Magazines, binding only--mfg
- 2722 Magazines, electronic: webzines
- 3484 Magazines, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) orless--mfg
- 5963 Magazines, house-to house selling
- 5961 Magazines, mailerder-retail
- 2759 Magazines, printed: except lithographed orgravure (not publishing)--mfg
- 2754 Magazines: gravure printing (not publishing)--mfg
- 2721 Magazines: publishing and printing, orpublishing only--mfg
- 5192 Magazines--wholesale
- 3944 Magic lanterns (toys)--mfg
- 7929 Magicians
- 1459 Magnesite mining
- 3295 Magnesite, crude: ground, calcined, ordeadburned--mfg
- 3356 Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars,rods, shapes, sheets, strip, and tubing--mfg
- 3497 Magnesium and magnesium base alloyfoil, not made in rolling mills--mfg
- 2819 Magnesium carbonate--mfg
- 3369 Magnesium castings, except diecastings--mfg
- 2819 Magnesium chloride--mfg
- 2819 Magnesium compounds, inorganic--mfg
- 3364 Magnesium die-castings--mfg
- 3339 Magnesium refining, primary--mfg
- 3356 Magnesium rolling, drawing, and extruding--mfg
- 3341 Magnesium smelting and refining, secondary--mfg
- 3357 Magnet wire, insulated--mfg
- 3674 Magnetic bubble memory device--mfg
- 3824 Magnetic counters--mfg
- 3823 Magnetic flow meters, industrial processtype--mfg
- 3542 Magnetic forming machines--mfg
- 3577 Magnetic ink recognition devices, computer peripheral equipment--mfg
- 2899 Magnetic inspection oil and powder--mfg
- 3695 Magnetic recording tape, blank: reels, cassettes, and disks--mfg
- 5065 Magnetic recording tape--wholesale
- 3845 Magnetic resonance imaging device (diagnostic), nuclear--mfg
- 3826 Magnetic resonance imagung type apparatus, except diagnostic--mfg
- 3572 Magnetic storage devices for computers--mfg
- 3652 Magnetic tape, audio: prerecorded--mfg
- 1011 Magnetite mining
- 3674 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) devices--mfg
- 3829 Magnetometers--mfg
- 3671 Magnetron tubes--mfg
- 3264 Magnets, permanent: ceramic or ferrite--mfg
- 3499 Magnets, perrnanent: metallic--mfg
- 3851 Magnipiers (readers and simple magnifiersSmfg
- 3827 Magnifying instruments, optical--mfg
- 7361 Maid registries
- 7349 Maid service on a contract or fee basis
- 7331 Mail advertising service
- 3469 Mail boxes, except collection boxes--mfg
- 4212 Mail carriers, bulk, contract: local
- 3444 Mail chutes, sheet metal--mfg
- 3444 Mail collection or storage boxes, sheetmetal--mfg
- 4215 Mail delivery, private: except air
- 2542 Mail pouch racks, except wood--mfg
- 3579 Mail tying (bundling) machines--mfg
- 5961 Mailerder houses--retail (not includingretail outlets)
- 4821 Mailgram services
- 2655 Mailing cases and tubes, paper fiber(metalend or all-fiberWmfpm--mfg
- 7331 Mailing list compilers
- 3579 Mailing machines--mfg
- 5044 Mailing machines--wholesale
- 2542 Mailing racks, postal service: exceptsvood--mfg
- 7331 Mailing service
- 3571 Mainframe computers--mfg
- 4172 Maintenance facilities for motor vehicle passenger transportation
- 7349 Maintenance, building: except repairs
- 2519 Malacca furniture--mfg
- 4959 Malaria control
- 2865 Maleic anhydride--mfg
- 3423 Mallets, printers,--mfg
- 3069 Mallets, rubber--mfg
- 3949 Mallets, sports: e.g., polo, croquet--mfg
- 2499 Mallets, wood--mfg
- 2869 Malononitrile, technical grade--mfg
- 2083 Malt byproducts--mfg
- 2082 Malt extract, liquors, and syrups--mfg
- 5149 Malt extract--wholesale
- 3556 Malt mills--mfg
- 2083 Malt: barley, rye, wheat, and corn--mfg
- 5149 Malt--wholesale
- 2023 Malted milk--mfg
- 2083 Malthouses--mfg
- 8742 Management engineering consultants
- 8742 Management information systems consultants
- 6726 Management investment funds, closedend
- 6722 Management investment funds, openend
- 0762 Management services, farm
- 6282 Manager of mutual funds, contract or feebasis
- 7941 Managers of individual professional athletes
- 6211 Managers or agents for mutual funds
- 6531 Managers, real estate
- 3931 Mandolins and parts--mfg
- 3545 Mandrels--mfg
- 2819 Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic--mfg
- 3313 Manganese metal--mfg
- 1061 Manganese ore mining
- 1011 Manganiferous ore mining, valued chieflyfor iron content
- 1061 Manganite mining
- 2861 Mangrove extract--mfg
- 1623 Manhole construction--contractors
- 3272 Manhole covers and frames, concrete--mfg
- 3321 Manhole covers, metal--mfg
- 7231 Manicure and pedicure salons
- 2844 Manicure preparations--mfg
- 5112 Manifold business forms--wholesale
- 3714 Manifolds, motor vehicle: gasolineengine--mfg
- 3498 Manifolds, pipe: fabricated from purchasedmetal pipe--mfg
- 2675 Manila folders--mfpm--mfg
- 2631 Manila lined board--mitse--mfg
- 2621 Manila wrapping paper--mitse--mfg
- 2284 Manmade fiber thread--mfg
- 5169 Manmade fibers--wholesale
- 2281 Manmade staple fiber yarn, spun--mfg
- 7389 Mannequin decorating service
- 5046 Mannequins--wholesale
- 3999 Mannikins and display forms--mfg
- 3823 Manometers, industrial process type--mfg
- 7363 Manpower pools
- 8331 Manpower training
- 1743 Mantel work--contractors
- 3272 Mantels, concrete--mfg
- 4925 Manu&ctured gas production and distribution
- 8611 Manufacturers, institutes
- 8742 Manufacturing management consultants
- 5932 Manuscripts, rare--retail
- 7389 Map drafting service
- 3829 Map plotting instruments--mfg
- 0831 Maple sap, gathering of
- 7389 Mapmaking, including aerial
- 2759 Maps, engraved--mfg
- 2752 Maps, lithographed--mfg
- 2759 Maps, printed: except lithographed or gravure (not publishing)--mfg
- 2754 Maps: gravure printing (not publishing)-mfg
- 2741 Maps: publishing and printing, or publish-ing only--mfg
- 5032 Marble building stone--wholesale
- 1743 Marble installation, interior: including finishing contractors
- 1741 Marble work, exterior construction-con-tractors
- 3281 Marble, building: cut and shaped--mfg
- 1429 Marble, crushed and brokenXuarrying
- 1411 Marble, dimensionXuarrying
- 1479 Marcasite mining
- 2899 Margaric acid--mfg
- 2079 Margarine oil, except corn--mfg
- 2079 Margarine, including imitation--mfg
- 2079 Margarine-butter blend--mfg
- 5149 Margarine--wholesale
- 3931 Marimbas--mfg
- 4493 Marinas
- 2452 Marinas, prefabricated: wood--mfg
- 9711 Marine Corps
- 3625 Marine and navy auxiliary controls--mfg
- 4493 Marine basins, operation of
- 4491 Marine cargo handling
- 1629 Marine construction--general contractors
- 8711 Marine engineering services
- 3519 Marine engines: diesel, semidiesel, andother internal combustion--mfg
- 3429 Marine hardware--mfg
- 3499 Marine horns, compressed air or steam:metal--mfg
- 3669 Marine horns, electric--mfg
- 2851 Marine paints--mfg
- 5088 Marine propulsion machinery and equipment--wholesale
- 3663 Marine radio communications equipment--mfg
- 4499 Marine railways for drydocking, operationof
- 3731 Marine rigging--mfg
- 4499 Marine salvaging
- 5541 Marine service stations--retail
- 5088 Marine supplies (dunnageSwholesale
- 5551 Marine supply dealers--retail
- 4499 Marine survetors, except cargo
- 4492 Marine towing
- 4499 Marine wrecking: ships for scrap
- 3999 Marionettes (puppets)--mfg
- 3647 Marker lamps, motor vehicle--mfg
- 3951 Markers, soft tip: e.g., felt, fabric, plastics--mfg
- 2499 Market baskets, except fruit and vegetable: veneer and splint--mfg
- 2449 Market baskets, fruit and vegetable:veneer and splint--mfg
- 0161 Market gardens
- 8732 Market research, commercial
- 9641 Marketing and consumer services-gov-ernment
- 8742 Marketing consultants
- 5112 Marking devices--wholesale
- 3549 Marking machines, metalworking--mfg
- 1422 Marl, crushed and brokenXuarrying
- 2033 Marmalade--mfg
- 2499 Marquetry, wood--mfg
- 2211 Marquisettes, cotton--mfg
- 2221 Marquisettes, manmade fiber--mfg
- 7299 Marriage bureaus
- 8322 Marriage counseling services
- 9221 Marshals, offices, police
- 2099 Marshmallow creme--mfg
- 2064 Marshmallows--mfg
- 2064 Marzipan (candyAmfg
- 3699 Maser amplifiers--mfg
- 2499 Mashers, potato: wood--mfg
- 2672 Masking tape mfpm--mfg
- 2679 Masks, papier-mache--mfpm--mfg
- 3949 Masks, 8ports: e.g., baseball, fencing,hockey--mfg
- 3546 Masonry and concrete drilling tools,power: portable--mfg
- 1741 Masonry--contractors
- 3423 Masons, handtools--mfg
- 3274 Masons, lime--mfg
- 5032 Masons, materials--wholesale
- 3826 Mass spectrometers--mfg
- 3826 Mass spectroscopy instrumentation--mfg
- 3999 Massage machines, electric: designed forbeauty and barber shops--mfg
- 3634 Massage machines, electric: except desiglied for beauty and barber shop--mfg
- 7299 Massage parlors
- 2951 Mastic floor composition, hot and cold--mfg
- 2952 Mastic roofing composition--mfpm--mfg
- 2499 Masts, wood--mfg
- 3999 Matches and match books--mfg
- 5199 Matches--wholesale
- 2211 Matelasse, cotton--mfg
- 5084 Materials handling equipment--wholesale
- 9431 Maternity and child health program administration--government
- 2342 Maternity bras and corsets--mfpm--mfg
- 8069 Maternity hospitals
- 5621 Maternity shops--retail
- 2631 Matrix board--mitse--mfg
- 2621 Matrix paper--mitse--mfg
- 3496 Mats and matting, made from purchasedwire--mfg
- 2273 Mats and matting, textile--mfg
- 3069 Mats and matting: e.g., bath, door--rubber--mfg
- 2273 Mats and matting: twisted paper, grass,reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag--mfg
- 3555 Mats, advertising and newspaper (matricesSmfg
- 2299 Mats, felt: except woven--mfg
- 0181 Mats, preseeded: soil erosion--growing of
- 2295 Mats, varnished glass--mfg
- 3423 Mattocks (handtools)--mfg
- 2392 Mattrws pads--mfg
- 2392 Mattress protectors, except rubber--mfg
- 3069 Mattress protectors, rubber--mfg
- 7699 Mattress renovating and repair shops
- 5712 Mattress stores, includilig custom made--retail
- 3272 Mattresses for river revetment, concretearticulated--mfg
- 3292 Mattresses, asbestos--mfg
- 2515 Mattresses, containing felt, foam rubber,urethane, etc.--mfg
- 3069 Mattresses, pneumatic: fabnc coated withrubber--mfg
- 2515 Mattrff: innerspring, box spring, andnoninnerspring--mfg
- 5021 Mattresses--wholesale
- 2052 Matzoths--mfg
- 3423 Mauls, metal (handtools)--mfg
- 2499 Mauls, wood--mfg
- 3952 Maulsticks, artists,--mfg
- 1542 Mausoleum construction-general contrac-tors
- 6553 Mausoleum operation
- 2035 Mayonnaise--mfg
- 9111 Mators, offices
- 8322 Meal delivery programs
- 2077 Meal, blood--mfg
- 2048 Meal, bone: prepared as feed for animalsand fowls--mfg
- 2041 Meal, corn--mfg
- 2046 Meal, gluten--mfg
- 2077 Meal, meat and bone: not prepared asfeed--mfg
- 2038 Meals, frozen--mfg
- 7699 Measurmg and controlling instrumentrepair, mechanical
- 5084 Measuring and testing equipment, electrical, except automotive--wholesale
- 3825 Measuring equipment for electronic andelectrical circuits and equipment--mfg
- 3825 Measuring instruments and meters, electric--mfg
- 3545 Measuring tools and machines, machinists,metalworking type--mfg
- 3824 Measurmg wheels--mfg
- 2077 Meat and bone meal and tankage--mfg
- 3556 Meat and poultry processing machinery--mfg
- 2259 Meat bagging--mitse--mfg
- 2013 Meat extracts--mfpm--mfg
- 2011 Meat extracts--mitse--mfg
- 3556 Meat grinders--mfg
- 5423 Meat markets--retail
- 2011 Meat packing plants--mfg
- 5142 Meat pies, frozen--wholesale
- 2013 Meat products: cooked, cured, frozen,smoked, and spiced--mfpm--mfg
- 2099 Meat seasonings, except sauces--mfg
- 5142 Meat, frozen: packaged--wholesale
- 2011 Meat--mitse--mfg
- 5147 Meats, cured or smoked--wholesale
- 5147 Meats, fresh--wholesale
- 1711 Mechanical contractors
- 7993 Mechanical games, coin
- 3111 Mechanical leather--mfg
- 3462 Mechanical power transmission forgings,ferrous: not made in rolling mills--mfg
- 3463 Mechanical power transmission forgings,nonferrous: not made in hotrollingmills--mfg
- 3061 Mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe cut--mfg
- 3495 Mechanical springs, precision: made frompurchased wire--mfg
- 3542 Mechanical-pneumatic or hydraulic metalforming machines--mfg
- 3423 Mechanics, handtools--mfg
- 2841 Mechanics, paste--mfg
- 3873 Mechanisms for clockwork operated devices--mfg
- 3581 Mechanisms for coineperated machines--mfg
- 5094 Medallions--wholesale
- 3911 Medals of precious or semipreciousmetals--mfg
- 7319 Media buying service
- 3577 Media-to-media data conversion equiwment, computer peripheral equipment--mfg
- 9441 Medical assistance program administration--government
- 8621 Medical associations
- 7352 Medical equipment rental and leasing
- 7629 Medical equipment repair, electrical
- 7699 Medical equipment repair, except electric
- 5047 Medical equipment--wholesale
- 5047 Medical glass--wholesale
- 6411 Medical insurance claims, processing of:contract or fee basis
- 8071 Medical laboratories, clinical
- 8099 Medical photography and art
- 8733 Medical research, noncommercial
- 5122 Medical rubber goods--wholesale
- 6324 Medical service plans
- 3069 Medical sundries, rubber--mfg
- 2326 Medical uniforms, men's--mfpm--mfg
- 5122 Medicinals and botanicals--wholesale
- 3221 Medicine bottles, glass--mfg
- 5122 Medicine cabinet sundries--wholesale
- 3231 Medicine droppers, made from purchasedglass--mfg
- 2834 Medicines, capsuled or ampuled--mfg
- 2493 Medium density fiberboard (MDF)--mfg
- 5031 Medium density fiberboard--wholesale
- 1499 Meerschaum mining or quarrying
- 2821 Melamine resins--mfg
- 2024 Mellorine--mfg
- 0161 Melon farms
- 3821 Melting point apparatus, laboratory--mfg
- 3443 Melting pots, for metal--mfg
- 3255 Melting pots, glasshouse: clay--mfg
- 2329 Melton jackets: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 2678 Memorandum books, except printed--mfpm--mfg
- 2782 Memorandum books, printed--mfg
- 3674 Memories, solid^tate--mfg
- 2252 Men,s hosiery--mfg
- 5611 Men,s wearing apparel--retail
- 0912 Menhaden, catching of
- 9431 Mental health agencies--government
- 8063 Mental hospitals, except for the mentallyretarded
- 8051 Mental retardation hospitals
- 2759 Menus, except lithographed or gravureprinted--mfg
- 2752 Menus, lithographed--mfg
- 2754 Menus: gravure printing--mfg
- 7323 Mercantile credit reporting bureaus
- 6153 Mercantile financing
- 2261 Mercerizing cotton broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 3552 Mercerizing machinery--mfg
- 2269 Mercerizing yarn, braided goods, andnarrow fabrics: except knit and wool--mfg
- 2673 Merchandise bags, plastics--mfpm--mfg
- 2674 Merchandise bags, uncoated paper--mfpm--mfg
- 3581 Merchandising machines, automatic--mfg
- 5046 Merchandising machines, automatic--wholesale
- 5962 Merchandising, automatic (sale of productsthrough vending machines)
- 5699 Merchant tailors--retail
- 5159 Merchants of raw farm products, exceptgrain, field beans, and livestock-wholesale
- 8611 Merchants, associations, not engaged incredit investigations
- 3629 Mercury arc rectifiers (electrical apparatus)--mfg
- 2892 Mercury azide (explosives)--mfg
- 2819 Mercury chlorides (calomel, corrosive sublimate), except U.S.P.--mfg
- 2833 Mercury chlorides, U.S.P.--mfg
- 2819 Mercury compounds, inorganic--mfg
- 2833 Mercury compounds, medicinal: organicand inorganic--mfg
- 1099 Mercury ore mining
- 2819 Mercury oxides--mfg
- 2819 Mercury, redistilled--mfg
- 5051 Mercury--wholesale
- 3496 Mesh, made from purchased wire--mfg
- 3661 Message concentrators--mfg
- 7389 Message service, telephone answering:except beeper service
- 3841 Metabolism apparatus--mfg
- 2835 Metabolite diagnostic reagents--mfg
- 5039 Metal buildings--wholesale
- 5169 Metal cyanides--wholesale
- 3542 Metal deposit forming machines--mfg
- 5031 Metal doors, sash and trim--wholesale
- 2899 Metal drawing compound lubricants--mfg
- 3429 Metal fasteners, spring and coldrolledsteel, not made in rolling mills--mfg
- 3559 Metal finishing equipment for plating,except rolling mill lines--mfg
- 1791 Metal furring--contractors
- 3567 Metal melting furnaces, industrial--mfg
- 3674 Metal oxide silicon (MOS) devices--mfg
- 3559 Metal pickling equipment, except rollingmill lines--mfg
- 5169 Metal polishes--wholesale
- 3541 Metal polishing lathes--mfg
- 5084 Metal refining machinery and equipment--wholesale
- 5169 Metal salts--wholesale
- 5074 Metal sanitary ware--wholesale
- 7389 Metal slitting and shearing on a contractor fee basis
- 3559 Metal smelting and refining machinery,except furnaces and ovens--mfg
- 2899 Metal treating compounds--mfg
- 5093 Metal waste and scrap--wholesale
- 3291 Metallic abrasives--mfg
- 5052 Metallic concentrates--wholesale
- 2671 Metallic covered paper for packaging--mfpm--mfg
- 2672 Metallic covered paper, except for packaging--mfpm--mfg
- 3861 Metallic emulsion sensitized paper andcloth, photographic--mfg
- 5052 Metallic ores-wholesale
- 2816 Metallic pigments, inorganic--mfg
- 2869 Metallic salts of acyclic organic chemicals--mfg
- 2869 Metallic stearate--mfg
- 2295 Metallizing of fabrics--mfg
- 3827 Metallographs--mfg
- 8734 Metallurgical testing laboratories
- 5051 Metalt, except precious--wholesale
- 2819 Metals, liquid--mfg
- 5094 Metals, precious--wholesale
- 5719 Metalware stores--retail
- 5084 Metalworking machinery--wholesale
- 5084 Metalworking tools: drills, taps, dies,grinding wheels, and files--wholesale
- 3829 Meteorogic tracking systems--mfg
- 7699 Meteorological instrument repair
- 3829 Meteorological instruments--mfg
- 3272 Meter boxes, concrete--mfg
- 3951 Meter pens--mfg
- 7389 Meter readers, remote
- 3613 Metering panels, electric--mfg
- 3825 Meters, electric: pocket, portable, panelboard, and graphic recording--mfg
- 3825 Meters, power factor and phase angle--mfg
- 3824 Meters: gas, liquid, tallying, and mechanical measuring--except electrical--mfg
- 2861 Methanol, natural (wood alcohol)--mfg
- 2869 Methanol, synthetic (methyl alcohol)--mfg
- 2861 Methyl acetone--mfg
- 2821 Methyl acrylate resins--mfg
- 2861 Methyl alcohol, natural (wood alcohol)--mfg
- 2821 Methyl cellulose plastics--mfg
- 2869 Methyl chloride--mfg
- 2821 Methyl methacrylate resins--mfg
- 2869 Methyl perhydrofluorine--mfg
- 2869 Methyl salicylate--mfg
- 2865 Methyl violet toners--mfg
- 2869 Methylamine--mfg
- 2869 Methylene chloride--mfg
- 2032 Mexican foods, canned--mfg
- 1499 Mica mining
- 3299 Mica products, built-up and sheet, exceptradio parts--mfg
- 1429 Mica schist, crushed and brokenXuarrying
- 1411 Mica schist, dimension-quarrying
- 3299 Mica splitting--mfg
- 3295 Mica, ground or otherwise treated--mfg
- 3299 Mica, laminated--mfg
- 2835 Microbiology, virology, and serology diagnostic products--mfg
- 3674 Microcircuits, integrated (semiconductor)--mfg
- 3571 Microcomputers--mfg
- 3861 Microfiche cameras--mfg
- 3861 Microfiche readers and reader printers--mfg
- 3861 Microfilm equipment: cameras, projectors,and readers--mfg
- 7389 Microfilm recording and developing service
- 5044 Microfilming equipment--wholesale
- 1099 Microlite mining
- 3545 Micrometers--mfg
- 3651 Microphones--mfg
- 3826 Microprobes: electron, ion, laser, X-ray--mfg
- 3674 Microprocessors--mfg
- 3827 Microprojectors--mfg
- 2741 Micropublishing--mfg
- 7699 Microscope repair
- 3826 Microscopes, electron and proton--mfg
- 3827 Microscopes, except electron, proton, andcorneal--mfg
- 3821 Microtomes--mfg
- 3663 Microwave communications equipment--mfg
- 3679 Microwave components--mfg
- 3631 Microwave ovens, household: includingportable--mfg
- 5064 Microwave ovens, household--wholesale
- 3825 Microwave test equipment--mfg
- 3089 Microwaveware, plastics--mfg
- 2361 Middies: girls', children's, and infants'--mfpm--mfg
- 8049 Midwives, offices of
- 2261 Mildew proofing cotton broadwoven faSrics--mfg
- 2262 Mildew proofing manmade fiber and silkbroadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 8211 Military academies, elementary and secondary level
- 3999 Military insignia, except textile--mfg
- 2899 Military pyrotechnics--mfg
- 9711 Military training schools
- 2311 Military uniforms, tailored: men's andboys'--mfg
- 3412 Milk (fluid) shipping containers, metal--mfg
- 5143 Milk and cream, fluid--wholesale
- 5451 Milk and other dairy products stores--retail
- 3221 Milk bottles, glass--mfg
- 3411 Milk carss, metal--mfg
- 2631 Milk carton board--mitse--mfg
- 2656 Milk cartons, paperboard--mfpm--mfg
- 5143 Milk cooling stations, operated by farm assemblers
- 5963 Milk delivery and sale of purchased milk,- without processing--retail
- 5143 Milk depots--wholesale
- 2675 Milk fslter disks, die-cut from purchasedpaper--mfg
- 2621 Milk filter disks--mitse--mfg
- 2026 Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, vitaminizing, bottling)--mfg
- 3556 Milk processing machinery--mfg
- 0241 Milk production, dairy cattle farm
- 2026 Milk production, except farm--mfg
- 0214 Milk production, goat farm
- 5084 Milk products manufacturing machineryand equipment--wholesale
- 0751 Milk testing for butterfat
- 2026 Milk, acidophilus--mfg
- 2026 Milk, bottled--mfg
- 5149 Milk, canned or dried--wholesale
- 2026 Milk, flavored--mfg
- 2026 Milk, reconstituted--mfg
- 2026 Milk, ultra-high temperature--mfg
- 2023 Milk, whole: canned--mfg
- 2023 Milk: concentrated, condensed, dried,evaporated, and powdered--mfg
- 5083 Milking machinery and equipment--wholesale
- 3523 Milking machines--mfg
- 2023 Milkshake mix--mfg
- 5949 Mill end stores--retail
- 2269 Mill enders, contract: cotton, silk, andmanmade fiber--mfg
- 2231 Mill menders, contract: wool, mohair, andsimilar animal fibers--mfg
- 3199 Mill strapping for textile mills, leather--mfg
- 5085 Mill supplies--wholesale
- 3547 Mill tables (rolling mill equipment)--mfg
- 3292 Millboard, asbestos--mfg
- 2351 Millinery--mfg
- 5632 Millinery stores--retail
- 5131 Millinery supplies--wholesale
- 2396 Millinery trimmings--mfpm--mfg
- 5137 Millinery--wholesale
- 3545 Milling machine attachments (machinetool accessories)--mfg
- 3541 Milling machines (machine tools)--mfg
- 2041 Milling of grains, dry, except rice--mfg
- 2044 Milling of rice--mfg
- 3556 Mills and presses: beet, cider, and sugarcane--mfg
- 1499 Millstone quarrying
- 5211 Millwork and lumber dealers--retail
- 2431 Millwork products--mfg
- 2491 Millwork, treated--mfg
- 5031 Millwork--wholesale
- 1796 Millwrights
- 0119 Milo farms
- 5044 Mimeograph eqliipment--wholesale
- 5112 Mimeograph paper--wholesale
- 7334 Mimeographing service
- 2032 Mincemeat, canned--mfg
- 3535 Mine convetors--mfg
- 1081 Mine development for metal mining: on acontract basis
- 1481 Mine development for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
- 1629 Mine loading and discharging station construction--general contractors
- 2491 Mine props, treated--mfg
- 2491 Mine ties, wood: treated--mfg
- 2411 Mine timbers, hewn--mfg
- 5082 Mineral beneficiation macliinery-whole-sale
- 2816 Mineral colors and pigments--mfg
- 2048 Mineral feed supplements--mfg
- 2911 Mineral jelly, produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 6211 Mineral leases, dealers in
- 2911 Mineral oils, natural: produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 1479 Mineral pigment mining
- 6211 Mineral royalties, dealers in
- 5191 Mineral supplements, animal--wholesale
- 2086 Mineral water, carbonated: bottled orcanned--mfg
- 2911 Mineral waxes, natural: produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 5033 Mineral wool insulation materials-whole-sale
- 3296 Mineral wool roofing mats--mfg
- 3648 Miners, lamps--mfg
- 3483 Mines and parts (ordnance)--mfg
- 3571 Minicomputers--mfg
- 9651 Minimum wage program administration--government
- 1629 Mining appurtenance construction-gener-al contractors
- 3532 Mining cars and trucks (dollies)--mfg
- 3532 Mining equipment, except oil and gasfield: rebuilding on 8 factory bnsis--mfg
- 3743 Mining locomotives and parts--mfg
- 3532 Mining machinery and equipment, exceptoil and gas field--mfg
- 5082 Mining machinery and equipment, exceptpetroleum--wholesale
- 2816 Minium (pigments)--mfg
- 4225 Miniwarehouse warehousing
- 0271 Mink fanns
- 0273 Minnow fanns
- 0139 Mint fanns
- 7699 Mirror repEur shops
- 5719 Mirrors--retail
- 3231 Mirrors, framed or unframed: made frompurchased glass--mfg
- 3827 Mirrors, optical--mfg
- 3231 Mirrors, transportation equipment: madefrom purchased glass--mfg
- 1629 Missile facilities construction--generalcontractors
- 3462 Missile Sdrgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills--mfg
- 3463 Missile forgings, nonferrous: not made inhotrolling mills--mfg
- 3812 Missile guidance systems and equipment--mfg
- 3443 Missile silos and components, metalplaXmfg
- 3483 Missile warheads--mfg
- 3423 Mitre boxes, metal--mfg
- 2211 Mitten flannel, cotton--mfg
- 3151 Mittens, leather--mfg
- 5136 Mittens, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 3069 Mittens, rubber--mfg
- 5137 Mittens: women's, children's, and infants'--wholesale
- 2259 Mittens--mitse--mfg
- 2819 Mixed acid--mfg
- 3556 Mixers and whippers, electric: for foodmanufacturing industries--mfg
- 3443 Mixers for hot metal--mfg
- 5082 Mixers, construction and mining-whole-sale
- 3556 Mixers, feed: except agncultural machinery--mfg
- 3556 Mixers, food: commercial types--mfg
- 3531 Mixers: e.g., concrete, ore, sand, slag, plaster, mortar, bituminous--mfg
- 2045 Mixes, flour: e.g., pancake, cake, biscuit,doughnut--mfpm--mfg
- 2041 Mixes, flour: e.g., pancake, cake, biscuit,doughnut--mitse--mfg
- 2451 Mobile buildings for commercial use (e.g.,offices, banks)--mfg
- 2451 Mobile classrooms--mfg
- 3663 Mobile communications equipment--mfg
- 2451 Mobile dwellings--mfg
- 5271 Mobile home equipment--retail
- 5271 Mobile home parts and accessories--retail
- 7519 Mobile home rental, except on site
- 1521 Mobile home repair, on site-general con-tractors
- 1799 Mobile home site setup and tie down contractors
- 2451 Mobile homes, except recreational--mfg
- 5271 Mobile homes, new and used--retail
- 5039 Mobile homes--wholesale
- 3711 Mobile lounges (motor vehicle)--mfg
- 3537 Mobile straddle carriers--mfg
- 3149 Moccasins--mfg
- 2221 Modacrylic broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 2824 Modacrylic fibers--mfg
- 2281 Modacrylic yarn, made from purchasedstaple: spun--mfg
- 5092 Model kits--wholesale
- 7361 Model registries
- 3952 Modeling clay--mfg
- 8299 Modeling schools, clothes
- 7363 Modeling service
- 3842 Models, anatomical--mfg
- 3999 Models, except toy and hobby--mfg
- 3944 Models, toy and hobby: e.g., urplane, boat,ship, railroad equipment--mfg
- 3661 Modems--mfg
- 5065 Modems--wholesale
- 2521 Modular furniture systems, office, wood--mfg
- 2522 Modular furniture systems, office: exceptwood--mfg
- 1521 Modular housing, single-family (assembled on site)-general contractors
- 3674 Modules, solid_tate--mfg
- 0214 Mohair production
- 2282 Mohair yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling--mfg
- 5159 Mohair, raw--wholesale
- 3579 Moisteners, gummed tape: for store andoffice use--mfg
- 3826 Moisture analysers, laboratory tpe--mfg
- 3823 Moisture meters, industrial process type--mfg
- 2063 Molasses beet pulp--mfg
- 2062 Molasses, blackstrap: made from purchased raw cane sugar or sugar syrup--mfg
- 2061 Molasses, blackstrap: made from sugarcane--mfg
- 5149 Molasses, industrial--wholesale
- 2063 Molasses, made from sugar beets--mfg
- 2061 Molasses, made from sugarcane--mfg
- 2099 Molasses, mixed or blended--mfpm--mfg
- 2821 Moldilig compounds, plastics--mfg
- 3089 Molding of plastics for the trade, exceptfoam--mfg
- 3089 Molding primary plastics for the trade,except foam--mfg
- 1446 Molding sand Xing
- 5031 Molding, all materials--wholesale
- 3465 Moldings and tX, automotive: stamped--mfg
- 3442 Moldings and trim, metal: except automobile--mfg
- 3299 Moldings, architectural: plaster of paris--factory production only--mfg
- 2499 Moldings, picture frame: finished--mfg
- 2431 Moldings, wood and covered wood: unfinished and prefinished--mfg
- 3544 Molds, industrial--mfg
- 3674 Molecular devices, solidfftate--mfg
- 2211 Moleskins--mitse--mfg
- 0273 Mollusk farms
- 1061 Molybdenite mining
- 1061 Molybdenum ore mining
- 3313 Molybdenum silicon--mfg
- 1061 Molybdite mining
- 2211 Momie crepe, cotton--mfg
- 8661 Monasteries
- 1099 Monazite mining
- 3499 Money chests, metal--mfg
- 6722 Money market mutual funds
- 6099 Money order issuance
- 2869 Monochlorodifluoromethane--mfg
- 3826 Monochrometers, laboratory type mfg
- 3089 Monofilaments, plastics: not suited for textile use--mfg
- 3674 Monolithic integrated circuits (solidstate)--mfg
- 2869 Monomethylparaminophenol sulfate--mfg
- 3536 Monorail systems--mfg
- 4111 Monorails, regular route: except amusement and scenic
- 2869 Monosodium glutamate--mfg
- 3555 Monotype machines--mfg
- 5099 Monuments and grave markers-whole-sale
- 3272 Monuments, concrete--mfg
- 3281 Monuments, cut stone: not including onlyfinishing or lettering to order--mfg
- 5999 Monuments, finished to custom order--retail
- 3589 Mop Xngers--mfg
- 7999 Moped rental
- 3751 Mopeds and parts--mfg
- 5571 Mopeds--retail
- 5012 Mopeds--wholesale
- 2392 Mops, floor and dust--mfg
- 2843 Mordants--mfg
- 2833 Morphine and derivatives--mfg
- 6141 Morris plans not engaged in deposit banking
- 3531 Mortar mixers--mfg
- 3483 Mortar shells, more than 30 mm. (or morethan 1.18 inchWmfg
- 3255 Mortars, clay refractory--mfg
- 3489 Mortars, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inchSmfg
- 6162 Mortgage bankers
- 6163 Mortgage brokers arrXg for loans butusing money of others
- 6162 Mortgage brokers, using own money
- 6162 Mortgage companies, urban
- 6351 Mortgage guaranty insurance
- 6798 Mortgage investment trusts
- 6798 Mortgage trusts
- 6211 Mortgages, buying and selling (rediscounting)
- 7261 Morticians
- 5087 Morticians, goods--wholesale
- 3553 Mortisers (woodworking machines)--mfg
- 3253 Mosaic tile, ceramic--mfg
- 1743 Mosaic workXcontractors
- 3999 Mosaics: ivorg, shell, horn, and bone--mfg
- 4959 Mosquito eradication
- 9631 Mosquito eradication districts
- 2258 Mosquito netting, warp lXnit--mitse--mfg
- 2211 Mosquito netting--mitse--mfg
- 0723 Moss gilining
- 0831 Moss, gathering of
- 5159 Moss--wholesale
- 1522 Motel construction--general contractors
- 8741 Motel management services
- 7011 Motels
- 2879 Moth repellants--mfg
- 3861 Motion picture apparatus and equipment--mfg
- 5043 Motion picture cameras, equipment, andsupplies--wholesale
- 7819 Motion picture consultants
- 7822 Motion picture distribution, exclusive ofproduction
- 7832 Motion picture exhibitors for airlines
- 7832 Motion picture exhibitors, itinerant
- 3861 Motion picture film--mfg
- 7841 Motion picture film or tape rental to thegeneral public
- 7812 Motion picture production and distribution
- 7819 Motion picture reproduction
- 5043 Motion picture studio and theater equipment--svholesale
- 7833 Motion picture theaters, drivein
- 3711 Motor buses, except trackless trolley--mfg
- 9621 Motor carrier licensing and inspection offices--government
- 3625 Motor control accessories, including overload relays--mfg
- 3625 Motor control centers--mfg
- 3625 Motor controls, electric--mfg
- 5063 Motor controls, electric--wholesale
- 3621 Motor generator sets, except automotiveand turbogenerators--mfg
- 5561 Motor home dealers--retail
- 7519 Motor home rental
- 3716 Motor homes, selfeontained: made on purchased chassis--mfg
- 3711 Motor homes, selfeontained--mitse--mfg
- 5012 Motor homes--wholesale
- 3621 Motor housings--mfg
- 7538 Motor repair, automotive
- 3751 Motor scooters and parts--mfg
- 5571 Motor scooters--retail
- 5012 Motor scooters--wholesale
- 3625 Motor starters, contactors, and controllers,industrial--mfg
- 3596 Motor truck scales--mfg
- 3715 Motor truck trailers--mfg
- 3711 Motor trucks, except off-highway--mfg
- 5511 Motor vehicle dealers, new and usedcars--retail
- 5521 Motor vehicle dealers, used cars only--retail
- 3714 Motor vehicle gasoline engine rebuildingon a factory basis--mfg
- 3429 Motor vehicle hardware--mfg
- 9621 Motor vehicle licensing and inspection offices--government
- 3714 Motor vehicle parts and accessories, exceptmotor vehicle stampings--mfg
- 5015 Motor vehicle parts, used--wholesale orretail
- 5064 Motor vehicle radios--wholesale
- 5014 Motor vehicle tires and tubes--wholesale
- 5012 Motor vehicles, commercial--wholesale
- 3711 Motor vehicles, including amphibian--mfg
- 3751 Motorbikes and parts--mfg
- 5551 Motorboat dealers--retail
- 3732 Motorboats, inboard and outboard: building and repairing--mfg
- 5571 Motorcycle dealers--retail
- 3647 Motorcycle lamps--mfg
- 5571 Motorcycle parts--retail
- 5013 Motorcycle parts--wholesale
- 7948 Motorcycle racing
- 7999 Motorcycle rental
- 7699 Motorcycle repair service
- 3751 Motorcycles and parts--mfg
- 5012 Motorcycles--wholesale
- 3594 Motors, air or hydraulic (fluid power)-mfg
- 3594 Motors, air or hydraulic fluid power--mfg
- 3621 Motors, electric: except engine startingmotors and gear motors--mfg
- 5063 Motors, electric--wholesale
- 3566 Motors, gear--mfg
- 3594 Motors, pneumatic--mfg
- 3694 Motors, starting: motor vehicle and aircraft--mfg
- 2371 Mounting heads on fur neckpieces--mfg
- 7389 Mounting merchandise on cards on a contract or fee basis
- 2789 Mounting of maps and samples, for thetrade--mfg
- 3999 Mountings, comb and hairpin: except precious metal--mfg
- 3851 Mountings, eyeglass and spectacle--mfg
- 3911 Mountings, gold and silver: for pens, leather goods, and umbrellas--mfg
- 3484 Mounts for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) orless--mfg
- 3931 Mouthpieces for musical instruments--mfg
- 3069 Mouthpieces for pipes and cigarette holders, rubber--mfg
- 2844 Mouthwashes--mfg
- 3873 Movements, watch or clock--mfg
- 3523 Mowers and mowereonditioners, hay--mfg
- 5083 Mowers, power--wholesale
- 0782 Mowing highway center strips and edges
- 2891 Mucilage--mfg
- 3531 Mud jacks--mfg
- 1389 Mud service, oil field drilling: on a contract basis
- 7533 Mufflers, automotive: installation, repair,or sales and installation
- 3714 Mufflers, exhaust: motor vehicle--mfg
- 5136 Mufflers, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 2323 Mufflers : men's and boys' -- mfpm --mfg
- 2253 Mufflers--mitse--mfg
- 3524 Mulchers, residential lawn and garden--mfg
- 0272 Mule fanns
- 5159 Mules--wholesale
- 7334 Multigraphing service
- 7334 Multilithing service
- 7859 Multimedia services, computer nec
- 7852 Multimedia computer animation services
- 2741 Multimedia educational kits: publishing and printing, or publishing only--mfg
- 3825 Multimeters--mfg
- 6531 Multiple listing services, real estate
- 3231 Multiple-glazed insulating units, madefrom purchased glass--mfg
- 3211 Multiple-glazed insulating units--mitse--mfg
- 3663 Multiplex equipment, radio--mfg
- 3661 Multiplex equipment, telephone and telegraph--mfg
- 4841 Multipoint distribution systems (MDS)services
- 8322 Multiservice centers, neighborhood
- 3575 Multistation CRT/teleprinters--mfg
- 2674 Multiwall bags, paper--mfpm--mfg
- 2819 Muriate of potash, not produced atmines--mfg
- 3841 Muscle exercise apparatus, ophthalmic--mfg
- 1499 Muscovite mining
- 1542 Museum construction-general contrac-tors
- 8412 Museums
- 0182 Mushroom spawn, production of
- 0182 Mushrooms , growing of
- 2033 Mushrooms, canned--mfg
- 8999 Music arrangers
- 2732 Music books: printing or printing andbinding, not publishing--mfg
- 2731 Music books: publishing and printing, orpublishing only--mfg
- 3999 Music boxes--mfg
- 3651 Music distribution apparatus, exceptrecords or tape--mfg
- 7993 Music distribution systems, coineperated
- 7389 Music distribution systems, except coin<>erated
- 6794 Music licensing to radio stations
- 3931 Music rolls, perforated--mfg
- 6794 Music royalties, sheet and record
- 8299 Music schools
- 3931 Music stands--mfg
- 7812 Music video production
- 2759 Music, sheet: except lithographed or gravure (not publishing)--mfg
- 2754 Music, sheet: gravure printing (not pulslishing)--mfg
- 2741 Music, sheet: publishing and printing, orpublishing only--mfg
- 3999 Musical chests--mfg
- 3931 Musical instrument accessories: e.g., reeds,mouthpieces, stands, traps--mfg
- 3651 Musical instrument amplifiers--mfg
- 3161 Musical instrument cases--mfg
- 7699 Musical instrument repair shops
- 5932 Musical instrument stores, secondhand--retail
- 5736 Musical instrument stores--retail
- 3931 Musical instruments, including electricand electronic--mfg
- 3944 Musical instruments, toy--mfg
- 5099 Musical instruments--wholesale
- 7929 Musicians
- 7853 Music, computer - production
- 2211 Muslin, cotton--mfg
- 0913 Mussels, taking of
- 2869 Mustard gas--mfg
- 0119 Mustard seed farms
- 2035 Mustard, prepared (wet)--mfg
- 2011 Mutton--mitse--mfg
- 6321 Mutual accident associations
- 6141 Mutual benefit associations
- 6331 Mutual fire, marine, and casualty insurance
- 6211 Mutual fund agents
- 6722 Mutual fund sales on own account
- 6211 Mutual funds, selling by independent salesperson
- 2861 Myrobalans extract--mfg
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