Vancouver Webpages Classifieds
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Alphabetic Classification Codes
- 2861 Oak extract--mfg
- 2299 Oakum--mfg
- 2499 Oars, wood--mfg
- 0119 Oat farms
- 2043 Oatmeal (cereal breakfast food)--mfg
- 2043 Oats, rolled (cereal breakfast food)--mfg
- 2048 Oats: crimped, pulverized, and rolled:except brealXfast food--mfg
- 5153 Oats--wholesale
- 5932 Objects of art, antique--retail
- 3931 Oboes--mfg
- 7999 Observation tower operation
- 8011 Obstetricians, offices of
- 3931 Ocarinas--mfg
- 8049 Occupational therapists, offices of
- 1479 Ocher mining
- 2816 Ochers--mfg
- 3931 Octophones--mfg
- 8011 Oculists, offices of
- 3824 Odometers--mfg
- 3489 Oerlikon glins--mfg
- 3061 Offhighway machinery and equipmentmechanical rubber goods: molded, ex-truded, and lathe cut--mfg
- 7999 Off-track betting
- 8322 Offender rehabilitation agencies
- 8322 OiTender self-help agencies
- 7373 Office automation, computer systems integration
- 1542 Office building construction-general con-tractors
- 7349 Office cleaning service
- 2542 Office fixtures, except wood--mfg
- 2541 Office fixtures, wood--mfg
- 2522 Office furniture, except wood--mfg
- 2521 Office furniture, wood--mfg
- 5021 Office furniture--wholesale
- 7363 Office help supply service
- 7359 Office machine rental and leasing, exceptcomputers
- 7629 Office machine repair, electrical: excepttypewriters, computers, and computerperipheral equipment
- 8741 Office management services
- 5112 Office supplies--wholesale
- 2893 Offset ink--mfg
- 2621 Offset paper--mitse--mfg
- 2796 Offset plates, positives or negatives: preparation of--mfg
- 2752 Offset printing--mfg
- 3731 Offshore supply boats, building and repairing--mfg
- 3825 Ohmmeters--mfg
- 1311 Oil (crude) production
- 5169 Oil additives--wholesale
- 3533 Oil and gas field machinery and equipment--mfg
- 3061 Oil and gas field machinery and equipment mechanical rubber goods: molded,extruded, and lathe cut--mfg
- 6211 Oil and gas lease brokers
- 4226 Oil and gasoline storage caverns for hire
- 2077 Oil and meal, fish--mfg
- 3433 Oil burners, domestic and industrial--mfg
- 5074 Oil burners--wholesale
- 3411 Oil cans, metal--mfg
- 3599 Oil cups, metal--mfg
- 5169 Oil drilling muds--wholesale
- 7359 Oil field equipment rental and leasing
- 1382 Oil field exploration: on a contract basis
- 3599 Oil filters, internal combustion engine:except motor vehicle--mfg
- 3714 Oil filters, motor vehicle--mfg
- 5159 Oil kernels--wholesale
- 6792 Oil leases, buying and selling on own account
- 3586 Oil measuring and dispensing pumps--mfg
- 5159 Oil nuts--wholesale
- 2851 Oil paints--mfg
- 3829 Oil pressure gauges, motor vehicle--mfg
- 6519 Oil properties, lessors of
- 1629 Oil refinery construction-general contrac-tors
- 5084 Oil refining machinery, equipment, andsupplies--wholesale
- 6211 Oil royalties, dealers in
- 6792 Oil royalty companies
- 1389 Oil sampling service for oil companies ona contract basis
- 1311 Oil sand mining
- 3053 Oil seals,asbestos--mfg
- 3053 Oil seals, leather--mfg
- 3053 Oil seals, rubber--mfg
- 1311 Oil shnle Xg
- 4959 Oilspill cleanup
- 2851 Oil stains--mfg
- 2911 Oil still gas, produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 3443 Oil storage tanks, metal plate--mfg
- 2899 Oil treatulg compounds--mfg
- 7359 Oil well drilling equipment rental andleasing
- 1381 Oil well drilling: on a contract basis
- 1389 Oil well logX on a contract basis
- 5084 Oil well machinery, equipment, and suwplies--wholesale
- 1389 Oil well rig building, repX, and dismantlulg: on a contract basis
- 6084 Oil well supply houses--wholesale
- 2911 Oil, acid: produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 2865 Oil, aniline--mfg
- 2046 Oil, corn: crude and refined--mfg
- 2074 Oil, cottonseed--mfg
- 2865 Oil, creosote: product of coal tar distillation--mfg
- 2079 Oil, hydrogenated: edible--mfg
- 2079 Oil, olivXmfg
- 2079 Oil, partially hydrogenated: edible--mfg
- 2861 Oil, pine: produced by distillation of pinegum or pine wood--mfg
- 2899 Oil, red (oleic acidAmfg
- 2075 Oil, soybean--mfg
- 2843 Oil, turkey red--mfg
- 2079 Oil, vegetable winter stearin--mfg
- 5093 Oil, waste--wholesale
- 2295 Oilcloth--mfg
- 2672 Oiled paper--mfpm--mfg
- 2077 Oils, animal--mfg
- 2844 Oils, cosmetic--mfg
- 2899 Oils, essential--mfg
- 5199 Oils, except cooking: animal and vegetablXwholesale
- 2077 Oils, fish and marine animal: e.g., herring,menhaden, whale (refined), sardine--mfg
- 2077 Oils, fish and marine animal: herring,menhaden, whale (refined), sardine--mfg
- 2992 Oils, lubricating: re-fining--mfg
- 2992 Oils, lubricating--mfpm--mfg
- 2911 Oils, partly refined: sold for rerunning--produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 2843 Oils, soluble (textile assistants)--mfg
- 2843 Oils, sulfonated--mfg
- 2079 Oiis, vegetable (except corn oii) refined:cooking and saiad--mfg
- 2833 Oils, vegetable and animal: medicinalgrade--refined and concentrated--mfg
- 2076 Oils, vegetable: except corn, cottonseed,and soybean--mfg
- 2861 Oils, wood: product of hardwood distillation--mfg
- 2911 Oils: fuel, lubricating, and iriluminating--produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 2865 Oils: light, medium, and heavy: made inchemical plants--mfg
- 5199 Oiriseed cake and meal--wholesale
- 3556 Oiiseed crushing sind extracting machinery--mfg
- 5159 Oilseeds--wholesale
- 1499 Oilstone quarrying
- 3291 Oilstones, artificial--mfg
- 2834 Ointments--mfg
- 2076 Oiticica oil--mfg
- 8322 Old age assistance
- 8361 Old soldiers, homes
- 2851 Oleate driers--mfg
- 2824 Olefin fibers--mfg
- 2899 Oleic acid (red oirSmfg
- 2869 Oleic acid esters--mfg
- 3728 Oleo struts, aircraPc--mfg
- 2819 Oleum (fiuning sulfuric acid)--mfg
- 0179 Olive groves and farms
- 2079 Olive oiri--mfg
- 2035 OlivesX brined: bulk--mfg
- 2034 Olives, dried--mfg
- 2033 Olives, including stuffed: canned--mfg
- 1459 Olivine (nongem) mining
- 3812 Omnibearing instrumentation--mfg
- 7375 On-line data base information retrievalservices
- 1521 One-famiriy house constructionXenercontractors
- 0161 Onion farms
- 2035 Onions, pickled--mfg
- 1429 Onyx marble, crushed and brokenXuarrying
- 1411 Onyx marble, dimensionXuarrying
- 3211 Opalescent flat glass--mfg
- 2211 Opaline, cotton--mfg
- 7833 Open air motion picture theaters
- 3496 Openers, bottle: made from purchasedwire--mfg
- 7922 Opera companies
- 3827 Opera glasses--mfg
- 2352 Opera hats--mfg
- 7372 Operating systems software, computer:prepackaged
- 3841 Operating tables--mfg
- 8742 Operations research consultants
- 7373 Operations research, computer systemsdesign
- 1531 Operative builders on own account
- 6513 Operators of apartment buildings (five ormore housing units)
- 6513 Operators of apartment hotels
- 6512 Operators of commercial and industrialbuildings
- 6514 Operators of dwellings (four or fewer housing units)
- 6515 Operators of mobile home sites
- 6512 Operators of nonresidential buildings
- 6514 Operators of residential buildings (four orfewer housing units)
- 6513 Operators of residential hotels
- 6513 Operators of retirement hotels
- 3229 Ophthalmic glass, except flat--mfg
- 3211 Ophthalmic glass, flat--mfg
- 5048 Ophthalmic goods--wholesale
- 3841 Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus--mfg
- 3229 Ophthalmic lens blanks--mfg
- 3851 Ophthalmic lens grinding, except prescription--mfg
- 8011 Ophthalmologists, offices of
- 3841 Ophthalmometers and ophthalmoscopes--mfg
- 8732 Opinion research, commercial
- 2833 Opium derivatives--mfg
- 3827 Optical alignment and display instruments, except photographic--mfg
- 3827 Optical comparators--mfg
- 3695 Optical disks and tape, blank--mfg
- 3229 Optical glass blanks--mfg
- 3211 Optical glass, flat--mfg
- 5995 Optical goods--retail
- 3851 Optical grinding service for the trade--mfg
- 3674 Optical isolators--mfg
- 3229 Optical lens blanks--mfg
- 3559 Optical lens machinery--mfg
- 3577 Optical readers and scanners--mfg
- 7374 Optical scanning data service
- 3577 Optical scanning devices, computer peripheral equipment--mfg
- 3572 Optical storage devices for computers
- 3827 Optical test and inspection equipment--mfg
- 5995 Opticians-retail
- 6211 Option dealers, stock
- 6231 Option exchanges, stock
- 3841 Optometers--mfg
- 5048 Optometric equipment and supplies--vwholesale
- 8042 Optometrists, offices and clinics of
- 8021 Oral pathologists, offices of
- 0174 Orange groves and farms
- 2899 Orange oil--mfg
- 0721 Orchard cultivation seruces
- 0762 Orchard management and maintenance,with or without crop services
- **** Orchards--see type of orchard
- 7929 Orchestras
- 5961 Order taking offices of mailerder houses--retail
- 3462 Ordnance forgings, ferrous: not made inrolling mills--mfg
- 3463 Ordnance forgings, nonferrous: not madein hotrolling mills--mfg
- 3569 Ordnance testing chambers--mfg
- 3532 Ore and aggregate feeders--mfg
- 3532 Ore crushing, washing, screening, andloading machinery--mfg
- 3429 Organ hardware--mfg
- 3931 Organ parts and materials, except organhardware--mfg
- 7699 Organ tuning and repair
- 2211 Organdy, cotton--mfg
- 2869 Organic acid esters--mfg
- 2869 Organic chemicals, acyclic--mfg
- 5169 Organic chemicals, synthetic--wholesale
- 2865 Organic colors, full strength--mfg
- 2824 Organic fibers, synthetic: except cellulosic--mfg
- 2833 Organic medicinal chemicals: bulk--mfg
- 2865 Organic pigrnents (lakes and toners)--mfg
- 3089 Organizers for closets, drawers, andshelves: plastics--mfg
- 3931 Organs, all types: e.g., pipe, reed, hand,street, barrel, electronic, player--mfg
- 2493 Oriented strandboard--mfg
- 3446 Ornamental and architectural metalwork--mfg
- 3299 Ornamental and architectural plasterwork: e.g., mantels and columns--mfg
- 0783 Ornamental bush planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
- 1799 Ornamental metal work-contractors
- 0783 Ornamental tree planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
- 2431 Ornamental woodwork: e.g., cornices andmantels--mfg
- 3231 Ornamented glass, made from purchasedglass--mfg
- 3999 Ornaments, Christmas tree: except glassand electric--mfg
- 3229 Ornaments, Christmas tree: glass--mitse--mfg
- 3231 Ornaments, Christmas tree: made frompurchased glass--mfg
- 3699 Ornaments, Christmas tree: electric--mfg
- 3961 Ornaments, costume: except preciousmetal and gems--mfg
- 3131 Ornaments, shoe--mfg
- 8361 Orphanages
- 2899 Orris oil--mfg
- 2865 Orthodichlorobenzene--mfg
- 3843 Orthodontic appliances--mfg
- 8072 Orthodontic appliances made in dentallaboratories to order for the profession
- 8021 Orthodontists, offices of
- 5999 Orthopedic and artificial limb stores--retail
- 3842 Orthopedic devices and materials--mfg
- 5047 Orthopedic equipment--wholesale
- 3842 Orthopedic hosiery, elastic--mfg
- 8069 Orthopedic hospitals
- 8011 Orthopedic physicians, offices of
- 3275 Orthopedic plaster, gypsum--mfg
- 3149 Orthopedic shoes, children's: except extension shoes--mfg
- 3842 Orthopedic shoes, extension--mfg
- 3143 Orthopedic shoes, men's: except extensionshoes--mfg
- 3144 Orthopedic shoes, women's: except extension shoes--mfg
- 3069 Orthopedic sundries, molded rubber--mfg
- 3825 Oscillators, audiofrequency and radiofrequency (instrument types)--mfg
- 3679 Oscillators, except laboratory type--mfg
- 3825 Oscillographs and oscilloscopes--mfg
- 1099 Osmium ore mining
- 3826 Osmometers--mfg
- 2211 Osnaburgs--mfg
- 2899 Ossein--mfg
- 8031 Osteopathic physicians, offices and clinicsof
- 8099 Osteoperosis centers
- 3999 Ostrich feathers: curling, dyeing, and renovating for the trade--mfg
- 3845 Otoscopes, electromedical--mfg
- 3841 Otoscopes, except electromedical--mfg
- 5551 Outboard motor dealers--retail
- 3699 Outboard motors, electric--mfg
- 3519 Outboard motors, except electric--mfg
- 5091 Outboard motors-wholesale
- 7312 Outdoor advertising service
- 5712 Outdoor furniture--retail
- 2253 Outerwear handknitted: for the trade--mfg
- 5136 Outerwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
- 5137 Outerwear: women's, children's, and infants' --wholesale
- 2211 Outing flannel, cotton--mfg
- 3644 Outlet boxes (electric wiring devices)--mfg
- 3643 Outlets, convenience: electric--mfg
- 8093 Outpatient detoxification centers
- 8093 Outpatient mental health clinics
- 8093 Outpatient treatment clinics for alcoholism and drug addiction
- 8322 Outreach programs
- 1629 Oven construction for industrial plants general contractors
- 1629 Oven construction, bakers'-general contractors
- 3822 Oven temperature controls, nonindustrial--mfg
- 3556 Ovens, bakery--mfg
- 3589 Ovens, cafeteria food warming: portable--mfg
- 3631 Ovens, household: excluding portable appliances other than microwave and con-vection--mfg
- 3634 Ovens, household: portable: except micrbwave and convection ovens--mfg
- 3567 Ovens, industrial process: except bakery--mfg
- 3821 Ovens, laboratory--mfg
- 3589 Ovens, microwave (cooking equipment):commercial--mfg
- 5046 Ovens, microwave: commercial--wholesale
- 5064 Ovens, microwave: household--wholesale
- 3567 Ovens, sherardizing--mfg
- 3569 Ovens, surveillance: for aging and testingpowder--mfg
- 3229 Ovenware, glass--mfg
- 3089 Ovenware, plastics--mfg
- 4213 Over-the-road trucking
- 2326 Overall jackets: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 2326 Overalls, work: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 1241 Overburden removal for bituminous coal,anthracite, and lignite on a contractbasis
- 1081 Overburden removal for metal mining: ona contract basis
- 1481 Overburden removal for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
- 2231 Overcoatings: wool, mohair, and similaranimal fibers--mfg
- 5136 Overcoats, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 2311 Overcoats: men's and boys'-mfg
- 3535 Overhead convetor systems for general industrial use--mfg
- 1622 Overpass construction-general contrac-tors
- 2262 Overprinting manmade fiber and silkbroadwoven fabric--mfg
- 3021 Overshoes, plastics--mfg
- 3021 Overshoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric--mfg
- 2833 Ox bile salts and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded--mfg
- 2869 Oxalates--mfg
- 2869 Oxalic acid and metallic salts--mfg
- 2211 Oxfords (cotton fabrics)--mfg
- 2819 Oxidation catalyst made from porcelain--mfg
- 2899 Oxidizers, inorganic--mfg
- 3728 Oxygen systems for aircraft--mfg
- 8099 Oxygen tent service
- 3841 Oxygen tents--mfg
- 2813 Oxygen, compressed and liquefied--mfg
- 5812 Oyster bars
- 0913 Oyster beds
- 2048 Oyster shells, ground: used as feed for animals and fowls--mfg
- 2091 Oysters, canned and cured--mfg
- 0913 Oysters, dredging or tonging of
- 2092 Oysters, fresh: shucking and packing innonsealed containers--mfg
- 1499 Ozokerite mining
- 3559 Ozone machines--mfg
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