Vancouver Webpages Classifieds
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Alphabetic Classification Codes
- 3663 RF power amplifiers, and IF amplifiers:sold separately--mfg
- 0271 Rabbit farms
- 2015 Rabbits, processed: fresh, frozen, canned,or cooked--mfg
- 2015 Rabbits, slaughtering and dressing--mfg
- 7948 Race car dnvers and owners
- 2741 Race track programs: publishing andpnnting, or publishing only--mfg
- 3562 Races, ball and roller beanng--mfg
- 7389 Racetrack cleaning, except buildings
- 7948 Racetrack operation: e.g., horse, dog, auto
- 3644 Raceways--mfg
- 2741 Racing forms: publishing and printing, orpublishing only--mfg
- 7948 Racing stables, operation of
- 3949 Rackets and frames, 8ports: e.g., tennis,badminton, squash, racketball, lacrosse--mfg
- 3496 Racks without Xd framework, madefrom purchased wire--mfg
- 2511 Racks, book and magazine: wood--mfg
- 2499 Racks, for drying clothes: wood--mfg
- 2542 Racks, merchandise display and storage:except wood--mfg
- 2541 Racks, merchandBe display: wood--mfg
- 3443 Racks, trash: metal plate--mfg
- 2542 Racks: mail pouch, mailing, mail sorting,etc., except wood--mfg
- 7997 Racquetball clubs, membership
- 7999 Racquetball courts, except membershipclubs
- 4899 Radar station operation
- 3812 Radar systems and equipment--mfg
- 3825 Radar testing instruments, electnc--mfg
- 3731 Radar towers, floating--mfg
- 3829 Radiac equipment (radiation measunngand detecting)--mfg
- 3567 Radiant heating systems, industnal process: e.g., dwers, cookers'--mfg
- 8734 Radiation dosimetry laboratories
- 3829 Radiation measuring and detecting(radiac) equipment--mfg
- 7218 Radiation protective garments supply service
- 3842 Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, andsheeting--mfg
- 7539 Radiator repair shops, automotive
- 3444 Radiator shields and enclosures, sheetmetal--mfg
- 5074 Radiators and parts, heating: nonelectric--wholesale
- 3714 Radiators and radiator shells and cores,motor vehicle--mfg
- 3634 Radiators, electric--mfg
- 3433 Radiators, except electric--mfg
- 3651 Radio and phonograph combinations--mfg
- 3469 Radio and television chassis, stamped--mfg
- 7622 Radio and television receiver installation
- 3663 Radio and television ssvitching equipment--mfg
- 3441 Radio and television tower sections, prefabricated metal--mfg
- 1623 Radio and television transmitting towerconstruction --general contractors
- 3825 Radio apparatus analyzers for testing electrical characteristics--mfg
- 7389 Radio broadcasting music checkers
- 4899 Radio broadcasting operated by cab companies
- 4832 Radio broadcasting stations
- 2517 Radio cabinets and cases, wood--mfg
- 2519 Radio cabinets, plastics--mfg
- 8999 Radio commentators
- 8748 Radio consultants
- 3671 Radio electron tubes--mfg
- 3812 Radio magnetic instrumentation (RMI)--mfg
- 5065 Radio parts and accessories--wholesale
- 7922 Radio programs, including commercials:producers of
- 3663 Radio receiver networks--mfg
- 5065 Radio receiving and transmitting tubes--wholesale
- 3651 Radio receiving sets--mfg
- 7622 Radio repair shops
- 7313 Radio representat*es, advertising: notauxiliary to radio broadcastirsg
- 3825 Radio set analyzers, electrical--mfg
- 5731 Radio stores--retail
- 4821 Radio telegraph services
- 7389 Radio transcription service
- 3663 Radio trarusmitting and communicationsantennas and ground equipment--mfg
- 1623 Radio transmitting tower construction--general contractors
- 3825 Radio tube checkers, electrical--mfg
- 5731 Radibphonograph stores--retail
- 2835 Radioactive diagnostic substances--mfg
- 2819 Radioactive isotopes--mfg
- 4953 Radioactive waste materials, disposal of
- 3825 Radiofrequency measuring equipment--mfg
- 3825 Radiofrequency oscillators--mfg
- 3844 Radiographic X-ray apparatus and tubes:medical, industrial, and research--mfg
- 8734 Radiographing welded joints on pipes andfittings
- 8011 Radiologists, offices of
- 5064 Radios, receiving only, household andautomotivXwholesale
- 4812 Radiotelephone communications
- 4812 Radiotelephone services
- 2819 Radium chloride--mfg
- 3844 Radium equipment--mfg
- 2819 Radium luminous compounds--mfg
- 1094 Radium ore mining
- 3089 Rafts, life: nonrigid--plastics--mfg
- 3069 Rafts, life: rubber--mfg
- 2273 Rag rugs--mfg
- 2299 Rags, carbonized--mfg
- 5093 Rags--wholesale
- 3643 Rail bonds, electric: for propulsion andsignal circuits--mfg
- 3312 Rail joints and fastenings, made in steelworks or rolling mills--mfg
- 3531 Rail laying and tamping equipment--mfg
- 3446 Railings, bannisters, guards, etc.: madefrom metal pipe--mfg
- 3446 Railings, prefabricated metal--mfg
- 2431 Railings, stair: wood--mfg
- 9621 Railroad and warehouse commissions--nonoperating
- 3321 Railroad brake shoes, cast iron--mfg
- 3462 Railroad bumping posts, forged: not madein rolling mills--mfg
- 4742 Railroad car cleaning, icing, ventilating,and heating
- 3568 Railroad car journal bearings, plain--mfg
- 3743 Railroad car rebuilding--mfg
- 4743 Railroad car rental-without care of load-ing
- 4789 Railroad car repair, on a contract or feebasis
- 3321 Railroad car wheels, chilled cast iron--mfg
- 3743 Railroad cars and car equipment--mfg
- 1629 Railroad construction-general contrac-tors
- 2491 Railroad cross bridge and switch ties,treated--mfg
- 3312 Railroad crossings, iron and steel: made insteel works or rolling mills--mfg
- 5088 Railroad equipment and supplies-whole-sale
- 3493 Railroad equipment springs--mfg
- 4482 Railroad ferries
- 4731 Railroad freight agencies, not operated byrailroad companies
- 2899 Railroad fusees--mfg
- 3429 Railroad hardware--mfg
- 3743 Railroad locomotives and parts--mfg
- 3999 Railroad models, except toy and hobbymodels--mfg
- 3944 Railroad models: toy and hobby--mfg
- 6517 Railroad property, lessors of
- 2531 Railroad seats--mfg
- 3669 Railroad signaling devices, electric--mfg
- 4013 Railroad switching
- 4013 Railroad terminals
- 4729 Railroad ticket offices, not operated bytransportation companies
- 2421 Railroad ties, sawed--mfg
- 2899 Railroad torpedoes--mfg
- 3596 Railroad track scales--mfg
- 3462 Railroad wheels, axles, frogs, and relatedequipment: forged--mfpm--mfg
- 4013 Railroads, belt line
- 4011 Railroads, electric: line-haul
- 4011 Railroads, line-haul operating
- 4013 Railroads, logging
- 5051 Raiis and accessories--wholesale
- 3355 Raiis, aluminum: rolled and dra vn--mfg
- 2411 Raiis, fence: round or split--mfg
- 3312 R uls, iron and steel--mfg
- 3312 Rails, rerolled or renewed--mfg
- 3351 Raiis, rolled and dravm: brass, bronze, andcopper--mfg
- 3441 Railway bridge sections, prefabricatedmetal--mfg
- 2491 Railvvay crossties, wood: treated--mfg
- 3743 Railway maintenance cars--mfg
- 3743 Railway motor cars--mfg
- 3621 Railway,X motors and control equipment,electric--mfg
- 4111 Railway operation, local
- 1629 Railway roadbed construction--generalcontractors
- 3531 Railway track equipment: e.g., rail layers,ballast distributors--mfg
- 4011 Railways, interurban
- 3829 Raili gauges--mfg
- 5699 Raincoat stores--retail
- 2385 Raincoats, except vulcanized rubber--mfpm--mfg
- 5136 Raincoats, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 5137 Raincoats: women's and cliildren,s-whole-sale
- 2034 Raisins--mfg
- 3423 Rakes, handtools--mfg
- 3523 Rakes, hay (agricultural machinery)_fg
- 3531 Rakes, land clearing: mechanical--mfg
- 2299 Ramie yarn, thread, roving, and textiles-., mfg
- 3297 Raniming mixes, nonclay--mfg
- 3537 Ramps, aircraft--loading--mfg
- 3537 Ramps, loading: portable, adjustable, andhydraulic--mfg
- 3448 Ramps, prefabricated: metal--mfg
- **** Ranches--see type of ranch
- 3674 Random access memories (RAMS)--mfg
- 3131 Rands (shoe cut stock)--mfg
- 3433 Range boilers, galvanized iron and nonferrous metal--mfg
- 3861 Range finders, photographic--mfg
- 3589 Ranges, cooking: commercial--mfg
- 3631 Ranges, cooking: household--mfg
- 5064 Ranges, electric--wholesale
- 5074 Ranges, except electric--wholesale
- 5722 Ranges, gas and electric--retail
- 3631 Ranges, household cooking: electric andgas--mfg
- 3743 Rapid transit cars and equipment--mfg
- 5932 Rare book stores--retail
- 2819 Rare earth metal salts--mfg
- 1099 Rare-earths ore mining
- 0171 Raspberry farms
- 3423 Rasps, includilig recutting and resharpening--mfg
- 2879 Rat poisoris--mfg
- 6411 Rate making organizations, insurance
- 4731 Rate services, transportation
- 3812 RatXofelimb instrumentation--mfg
- 2211 Ratine, cotton--mfg
- 3612 Ratio transformers--mfg
- 2499 Rattan ware, except furniture--mfg
- 0279 Rattlesnake farms
- 2032 Ravioli, canned--mfg
- 2231 Raw stock dyeing and finishing: wool,mohair, and similar animal fibers--mfg
- 2269 Raw stock dyeing and other finishing,except wool--mfg
- 3111 Rawhide--mfg
- 2221 Rayon broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 5131 Rayon piece goods--wholesale
- 2823 Rayon primary products: fibers, straw,strips, and yarn--mfg
- 2611 Rayon pulp--mfg
- 2284 Rayon thread--mfg
- 2299 Rayon tops, combing and converting--mfg
- 2282 Rayon yarn, filament: throwing, twisting,winding--mfg
- 2281 Rayon yani, made from purchased staple:spun--mfg
- 2823 Rayon yarn, made in chemical plants--mfg
- 5199 Rayon yarns--wholesale
- 0912 Rays, catching of
- 3316 Razor blade strip steel, coldrolled: notmade in hot-rolling mills--mfg
- 3421 Razor blades--mfg
- 5122 Razor blades--wholesale
- 3199 Razor strops--mfg
- 3634 Razors, electric--mfg
- 5064 Razors, electric--wholesale
- 5122 Razors, nonelectric--wholesale
- 3421 Razors: safety and straight--mfg
- 2842 Re-refining drycleaning fluid--mfg
- 2992 Re refining lubricating oils and greases--mfpm--mfg
- 3443 Reactor containment vessels, metalplate--mfg
- 3612 Reactors, current limiting--mfg
- 3443 Reactors, nuclear: military and industrial--mfg
- 3674 Read only memories (ROMS)--mfg
- 3861 Readers, microfilm--mfg
- 8699 Reading rooms, religious materials
- 8299 Reading schools
- 3273 Readymixed concrete, production and dis-tribution--mfg
- 5621 Ready-tbwear stores, women's--retail
- 2819 Reagent grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades--mfg
- 2869 Reagent grade chemicals, organic: refinedfrom technical grades, except diagnosticand substances--mfg
- 6531 Real estate agents, brokers and managers
- 6531 Real estate appraisers
- 6531 Real estate auctions
- 8611 Real estate boards
- 6798 Real estate investment trusts (REIT,S)
- 8249 Real estate schools
- 6361 Real estate title insurance
- 6553 Real property subdividers and developers,cemetery lots only
- 6552 Real property subdividers and developers,except of cemetery lots
- 6798 Realty investment trusts
- 6798 Realty trusts
- 3545 Reamers, machine tool--mfg
- 5084 Reamers--wholesale
- 3541 Reaming machines--mfg
- 3714 Rear axle housings, motor vehicle--mfg
- 7699 Rebabbitting
- 2789 Rebinding books, magazines, or pamphlets--mfg
- 7534 Rebuilding and retreading tires for thetrade
- **** Rebuilding except tires or electricmotors--code same as new
- 3714 Rebuilding motor vehicle gasoline enginesand transmissions on a factory basis--mfg
- 7694 Rebuilding motors, other than automotive
- 7534 Rebuilding tires
- 3541 Rebuilt machine tools, metal cuttingtypes--mfg
- 3542 Rebuilt machine tools, metal formingtypes--mfg
- 5084 Recapping machinery for tires--wholesale
- 7534 Recapping tires
- 2782 Receipt books--mfg
- 3663 Receiver-transmitter units (transceivers)--mfg
- 3663 Receivers, radio communications--mfg
- 3651 Receiving sets, radio and television: household--mfg
- 3671 Receiving type electron tubes--mfg
- 5063 Receptacles, electrical--wholesale
- 3471 Rechroming auto bumpers, for the trade--mfg
- 6321 Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges, accident and health insurance
- 6351 Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges,surety and fidelity insurance
- 6331 Reciprocal interinsurance exchanges: fire,marine, and casualty insurance
- 3069 Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing processes)--mfg
- 3399 Reclaiming ferrous metals from clay--mfg
- 5093 Reclaiming iron and steel scrap fromslag--wholesale
- 1629 Reclamation projects construction-gener-al contractors
- 2512 Recliners, upholstered on wood frames--mfg
- 3489 Recoil mechanisms for guns more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)--mfg
- 3484 Recoil mechanisms for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less--mfg
- 3489 Recoilless rifles--mfg
- 2493 Reconstituted wood panels--mfg
- 2782 Record albums--mfg
- 3652 Record blanks, phonograph--mfg
- 5961 Record clubs, mailerder--retail
- 5735 Record stores--retail
- 3651 Recorders, home tape: cassette, cartridge,and reel--mfg
- 3825 Recorders, oscillographic--mfg
- 3572 Recorders, tape: for computers--mfg
- 3679 Recording and playback heads, magnetic--mfg
- 3679 Recording heads for speech and musicalequipment--mfg
- 5084 Recording instruments and accessories--wholesale
- 3651 Recording machines, music and speech:except dictation and telephone answering machines--mfg
- 7389 Recording studios on a contract or feebasis
- 3652 Records, phonograph--mfg
- 3341 Recovering and refining of nonferrousmetals--mfg
- 2299 Recovering textile fibers from clippingsand rags--mfg
- 3399 Recovery of iron ore from open hearthslag--mfg
- 3341 Recovery of silver from used photographicfilm--mfg
- 7997 Recreation and sports clubs, membership:except physical fitness
- 7032 Recreational camps
- 7011 Recreational hotels
- 9512 Recreational program administration--government
- 5561 Recreational vehicle dealers--retail
- 7033 Recreational vehicle parks
- 5561 Recreational vehicle parts and accessori es-- retail
- 5012 Recreational vehicles--wholesale
- 3612 Rectifier transformers--mfg
- 3629 Rectifiers (electrical apparatus)--mfg
- 3679 Rectifiers, electronic: except solidztate--mfg
- 5065 Rectifiers, electronic--wholesale
- 3674 Rectifiers, solidztate--mfg
- 2816 Red lead pigments--mfg
- 2899 Red oil (oleic acid)--mfg
- 7389 Redemption of trading starnps
- 9532 Redevelopment land agencies-govern-ment
- 3826 Redox (oxidationreduction potential) in-struments--mfg
- 1381 Redrilling oil and gas wells on a contractbscis
- 2141 Redrying and stemming of tobacco--mfg
- 3494 Reducer returns, pipe: metal--mfg
- 3566 Reducers, speed--mfg
- 7991 Reducing facilities, physical fitness, without lodpg
- 3566 Reduction gears and gear units for turbines, except automotive and aircraft--mfg
- 2519 Reed furniture--mfg
- 1499 Reed peat mining
- 2499 Reed ware, except furniture--mfg
- 3931 Reedboards, organ--mfg
- 3931 Reeds for musical instruments--mfg
- 3552 Reeds, loom--mfg
- 3569 Reels and racks, firehose--mfg
- 3499 Reels, cable: metal--mfg
- 2499 Reels, cloth winding: wood--mfg
- 3861 Reels, film--mfg
- 3949 Reels, fishing--mfg
- 2499 Reels, for drying clothes: wood--mfg
- 2499 Reels, plywood--mfg
- 2655 Reels, textile: fiber--mfpm--mfg
- 1741 Refactory brick construction--contractors
- 8111 Referees in bankruptcy
- 8322 Referral services for personal and socialproblems
- 4613 Refined petroleum pipelines
- 2062 Refineries, cane sugar--mfg
- 2911 Refineries, petroleum--mfg
- 2911 Refinery gas produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 3339 Refining of lead, primary--mfg
- 3339 Refining of nonferrous metal, primary:except copper and aluminum--mfg
- 3341 Refining of nonferrous metals and alloys,secondary--mfg
- 3339 Refining of zinc, primary--mfg
- 2231 Refinishing and sponging cloths: wool,mohair, and similar animal fibers, forthe trade--mfg
- 2261 Refinishing and sponging cotton broadwoven fabrics for the trade--mfg
- 2262 Refinishing of manmade fiber and silkbroadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 3825 Reflectometers, sliding shorts--mfg
- 3231 Reflector glass beads, for highway sXsand other reflectors: made from purchased glass--mfg
- 3229 Reflectors for lighting equipment, glass:pressed or blown--mfg
- 3648 Reflectors for lighting eqliipment: metal--mfg
- 3647 Reflectors, clearance: vehicular--mfg
- 3827 Reflectors, optical--mfg
- 3827 Reflectors, searclilight--mfg
- 0851 Reforestation
- 9223 Reformatories--government
- 3823 Refractometers, industrial process type--mfg
- 3826 Refractometers, laboratory--mfg
- 3297 Refractories, castable: nonclay--mfg
- 3255 Refractories, clay--mfg
- 3297 Refractories, graphite: carbon bond or ceramic bond--mfg
- 3297 Refractories, nonclay--mfg
- 3255 Refractory cement and mortars, clay--mfg
- 3297 Refractory cement, nonclay--mfg
- 5085 Refractory material--wholesale
- 5812 Refreshment stands
- 4222 Refrigerated warehousing
- 1711 Refrigeration and freezer work-contrac-tors
- 3585 Refrigeration compressors--mfg
- 3822 Refrigeration controls, pressure--mfg
- 3585 Refrigeration machinery and equipment,industrial--mfg
- 7623 Refrigeration repair service, electric
- 3822 Refrigeration thermostats--mfg
- 3822 Refrigeration/air-onditioning defrost controls--mfg
- 3632 Refrigerator cabinets, household--mfg
- 3229 Refrigerator dishes and jars, glass--mfg
- 3469 Refrigerator parts, porcelain enameled--mfg
- 7623 Refrigerator repair service, electric
- 5722 Refrigerators and related electric and gasappliances--retail
- 5078 Refrigerators, commercial: reachin andwalk-in--wholesale
- 5064 Refrigerators, household: electric andgas--wholesale
- 3632 Refrigerators, mechanical and absorption:ho use h o l d -- mfg
- 3728 Refueling equipment, airplane: for use inflight--mfg
- 8322 Refugee services
- 4953 Refuse systems
- 4212 Refuse, local collecting and transporting:without dispaial
- 2389 Regalia--mfpm--mfg
- 2823 Regenerated cellulose fibers--mfg
- 6099 Regional clearirsghouse associatiorss
- 8399 Regional planning organizations, for socialservices
- 8049 Registered nurses, offices of: except homecare services
- 3446 Registers, air: metal--mfg
- 3579 Registers, autographic--mfg
- 3578 Registers, credit account--mfg
- 3829 Registers, fare: for streetcars, buses, etc.--mfg
- 3824 Registers, linear tallying--mfg
- 7361 Registries, nurses,
- 3541 Regrinding machines, crankshaft--mfg
- 9641 Regulation and inspection of agriculturalproducts--government
- 9631 Regulation of utilities
- 3612 Regulators, feeder voltage (electric transformersAmfg
- 3613 Regulators, power--mfg
- 3612 Regulators, transmission and distributionvoltage--mfg
- 3694 Regulators, voltage: motor vehicle--mfg
- 8093 Rehabilitation centers, outpatient (medicaltreatment)
- 8361 Rehabilitation centers, residential: withhealth care incidental
- 8331 Rehabilitation counseling and training, vocational
- 8069 Rehabilitation hospitals: drug addictionand alcoholism
- 5051 Reinforcement mesh, nre--wholesale
- 3496 Reinforcing mesh concrete: made frompurchased wire--mfg
- 6321 Reinsurance carriers, accident and health
- 6311 Reinsurance carriers, life
- 6311 Reinsurance, life
- 3625 Relays--mfg
- 3825 Relays, instrument: all types--mfg
- 5063 Relays--wholesale
- 8322 Relief services, temporary
- 5942 Religious book stores--retail
- 5999 Religious goods stores (other than booksSretail
- 8661 Religious instruction, pronded by religiousorganizations
- 7812 Religious motion picture production
- 8661 Religious organizations
- 6732 Religious trusts, management of
- 2035 Relishes, fruit and vegetable--mfg
- 2834 Remedies, human and animal--mfg
- 5949 Remnant stores--retail
- 1541 Remodeling buildings, industrial andware ho usXge n e ral con tracto rs
- 1542 Remodeling buildings, nonresidential:except industrial and warehouses-gen-eral contractors
- 1522 Remodeling buildings, residential: exceptsinglefamily--general contractors
- 1521 Remodeling buildings, singlefamily--gen-eral contractors
- 7375 Remote data base information retrievalservices
- 1389 Removal of condensate gasoline from fieldgathering lines: on a contract basis
- 1241 Removal of overburden for anthracite: ona contract basis
- 1241 Removal of overburden for bituminouscoal: on a contract basis
- 1081 Removal of overburden for metal mining:on a contract basis
- 1481 Removal of overburden for nonmetallicminerals except fuels: on a contractbasis
- 2077 Rendering plants, inedible grease andtallow--mfg
- 7699 Reneedling work
- 5199 Rennet--wholesale
- 1541 Renovating buildings, industrial and warbhouse general contractors
- 1542 Renovating buildings, nonresidential:except industrial and warehouses-gen-eral contractors
- 1522 Renovating buildings, residential: exceptsinglefamily--general contractors
- 1521 Renovating buildings, singlefamily--gen-eral contractors
- 3999 Renovating feathers, for the trade--mfg
- 9651 Rent control agencies--government
- 6531 Rental agents for real estate
- 7359 Rental and leasing of dishes, silverware,and tables
- 7359 Rental and servicing of electronic equipment, except computers
- 7514 Rental of automobiles, without drivers
- 7999 Rental of beach chairs and accessories
- 7999 Rental of bicycles
- 8231 Rental of books
- 7359 Rental of coineperated machines
- 4222 Rental of cold storage lockers
- 7374 Rental of computer time
- 7377 Rental of computers, except finance leasing or by the manufacturer
- 7353 Rental of construction equipment
- 7021 Rental of furnished rooms
- 7359 Rental of furniture
- 7999 Rental of golf carts
- 4119 Rental of hearses and limousines, withdrivers
- 7819 Rental of motion picture equipment
- 7822 Rental of motion picture film
- 7359 Rental of oil field equipment
- 4119 Rental of passenger automobiles, Xvithdrivers
- 4742 Rental of railroad cars, with service
- 4743 Rental of railroad cars, without service
- 7999 Rental of rowboats and canoes
- 7999 Rental of saddle horses
- 7922 Rental of theatrical scenery
- 7359 Rental of tools
- 7519 Rental of traulers
- 4212 Rental of trucks with drivers
- 7513 Rental of trucks, without drivers
- 7519 Renting automobile utility trailers
- 7519 Renting travel, camping, or recreationaltrailers
- 2211 Rep, cotton--mfg
- 5014 Repair materials, tire and tube--wholesale
- 7692 RepEur of cracked castings (welding service)
- 7641 Repair of furniture upholstery
- 7219 Repair of furs and other garments for indinduals
- 7699 Repair of optical instruments
- 7699 Repair of photographic equipment
- 1761 Repair of roofs--contractors
- 7699 Repair of service station equipment
- 7699 Repair of speedometers
- 7538 Repair shops, automotive: general
- 7217 Repairing and cleaning plants, rug andcarpet
- 2789 Repairing books (bookbinding)--mfg
- 1541 Repairing buildings, industrial and warehouse--general contractors
- 1542 Repairing buildings, nonresidential: exceptindustrial and warehouses-general con-tractors
- 1522 Repairing buildings, residential: exceptsinglefamily--general contractors
- 1521 Repairing buildings, singlefamily--gener-al contractors
- 1389 Repairing lease tanks, oil field: on a contract basis
- 3661 Repeater equipment, telephone and telegraph--mfg
- 7922 Repertory or stock companies, theatrical
- 5065 Replacement parts, electronic--wholesale
- 7389 Repossession service
- 6099 Representative offlces of foreign banks, excluding agents and branches
- 8422 Reptile exhibits
- 7379 RAquirements analysis, computer hardware
- 2421 Resawing lumber into smaller dimensions--mfg
- 8731 Research and development of computerand related hardware
- 3721 Research and development on aircraft bythe manufacturer--mfg
- 3724 Research and development on aircraft engines and engine parts by the manufac-turer--mfg
- 3728 Research and development on aircraftparts and auxiliary equipment by themanufacturer--mfg
- 3769 Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle components, bythe manufacturer--mfg
- 3764 Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle engines, by themanufacturer--mfg
- 3761 Research and development on guided missiles and space vehicles, by the manufac-turer--mfg
- 8731 Research and development, physical andbiological: commercial
- 8733 Research, noncommercial
- 8732 Research: economic, sociological, and educationalXommercial
- 2833 Reserpines--mfg
- 7389 Reservation service, hotel
- 1629 Reservoir constructionXeneral contractors
- 7041 Residence clubs operated by organizationsfor members only
- 6514 Residential building, operators of (four orfewer housing units)
- 1522 Residential construction, except singlefamily--general contractors
- 1521 Residential construction, singlefamily--general contractors
- 8811 Residential farms, noncommercial
- 6513 Residential hotels, operators of
- 1752 Resilient floor laying--contractors
- 2295 Resin coated fabrics--mfg
- 2851 Resinate driers--mfg
- 2671 Resinous impregnated paper for packaging--mfpm--mfg
- 2672 Resinous impregnated paper, except forpackaging--mfpm--mfg
- 2821 Resins, phenolic--mfg
- 5162 Resins, plastics--wholesale
- 2821 Resirls, synthetic--mfg
- 5169 Resins, synthetic rubber--wholesale
- 5162 Resins, synthetic: except rubber-whole-sale
- 3825 Resistance measuring equipment--mfg
- 3823 Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process type mfg
- 3548 Resistance welders, electric--mfg
- 3676 Resistor networks--mfg
- 3676 Resistors, electronic--mfg
- 5065 Resistors, electronic--wholesale
- 3621 Resolvers--mfg
- 3679 Resorsant reed devices, electronic--mfg
- 2865 Resorcinol--mfg
- 7011 Resort hotels
- 3842 Respirators--mfg
- 3845 Respiratory analysis equipment, electrbmedical--mfg
- 3842 Respiratory protection equipment, personal--mfg
- 8093 Respiratory therapy clinics
- 8059 Rest homes with health care
- 8361 Rest homes, with health care incidental
- 7342 Rest room cleaning service
- 7299 Rest room operation
- 1542 Restaurant construction-general contractors
- 2599 Restaurant filrniture--mfg
- 8249 Restaurant operation schools
- 7389 Restaurant reservation service
- 3444 Restaurant sheet metalwork--mfg
- 5812 Restauranb
- 5812 Restauranb, carry-out
- 5812 Restaurants, fast food
- 3829 Restitution apparatus, photogrammetrical--mfg
- 7641 Restoration and repair of antique furniture
- 7699 Restoration and repair of mitiques, except furniture and automobiles
- 3842 Restraints, patient--mfg
- 7338 Resume writing service
- 1611 Resurfacing streets and highways-con-tractors
- 6512 Retail establishments, property operationonly
- 1741 Retaining wall construction: block, syone,or brick--contractors
- 3479 Retinning of cans and utensils, not done inrolling mills--mfg
- 3845 Retinoscopes, electromedical--mfg
- 3841 Retinoscopes, except electromedical--mfg
- 6513 Retirement hotels, operators of
- 3297 Retorts, graphite--mfg
- 3443 Retorts, industrial--mfg
- 3443 Retorts, smelting--mfg
- 3841 Retractors--mfg
- 3011 Retreading materials, tire--mfg
- 7534 Retreading tires
- 0723 Retting flax
- 7641 Reupholstery shops
- 1629 Revetment constructionXeneral contractors
- 3484 Revolvers and parts--mfg
- 1796 Revolving door installation contractors
- 7219 Reweaving textiles (mending service)
- 2282 Rewinding of yarn--mfg
- 7694 Rewinding stators
- 3861 Rewinds, motion picture film--mfg
- 1381 Reworking oil and gas wells on a contractbasis
- 3339 Rhenium refining, primary--mfg
- 3679 Rheostats, electronic--mfg
- 3625 Rheostats, industrial control--mfg
- 1099 Rhodium ore mining
- 1061 Rhodochrosite mining
- 0182 Rhubarb grown under cover
- 2655 Ribbon blocks, fiber--mfpm--mfg
- 2297 Ribbon, nonwoven (yarn bonded by plasticsAmfg
- 5131 Ribbon, textile--wholesale
- 2396 Ribbors and bows, cut and sewed--mfg
- 3955 Ribborls, inked: e.g., typewriter, addingmachine, cash register--mfg
- 5112 Ribbons, inked--wholesale
- 2241 Ribborls--mitse mfg
- 2044 Rice bran, flour, and meal--mfg
- 2043 Rice breakfast foods--mfg
- 2044 Rice cleaning and polishing--mfg
- 0723 Rice dryirlg
- 0112 Rice farms
- 2044 Rice polish--mfg
- 2046 Rice starch--mfg
- 2044 Rice, brewers,--mfg
- 2044 Rice, brown--mfg
- 5149 Rice, polished--wholesale
- 2099 Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients--mfg
- 5153 Rice, unpolished--wholesale
- 2044 Rice, vitamin and mineral enriched--mfg
- 2241 Rickrack braid--mfg
- 3599 Riddles, sand (hand sifting or screeningapparatus)--mfg
- 7999 Riding academies and schools
- 5699 Riding apparel stores--retail
- 2329 Riding clothes: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 7997 Riding clubs, membership
- 3199 Riding crops--mfg
- 5941 Riding goods and equipment--retail
- 2339 Riding habits: women's, misses', and juniors'--mfpm--mfg
- 7999 Riding stables
- 2899 Rifle bore cleaning compounds--mfg
- 3541 Rifle worldng machines (machine toolsSmfg
- 3484 Rifles and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) orless--mfg
- 3841 Rifles for propelling hypoderuncs inyo animals--mfg
- 3484 Rifles, high compression pneumatic: 30mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less--mfg
- 3489 Rifles, recoilless--mfg
- 3944 Rifles, yoy--mfg
- 3484 Rifles: BB and pellet--mfg
- 3484 Rifles: pneumatic, spring loaded, and compressed a-r--except yoy--mfg
- 1389 Rig building, repairing, and dismantling:on a contract basis
- 3469 Rigidizing metal--mfg
- 3714 Rims, wheel: motor vehicle--mfg
- 3961 Rings,,ffilnger: gold-plated wire--mfg
- 3255 Rings, glasshouse: clay--mfg
- 3592 Rings, pisyon--mfg
- 3911 Rings, precious metal--mfg
- 1429 Riprap quaXg, except limesyone orgranite
- 4449 River freight transportation, except on theSt. Lawrence Seaway
- 7999 River rafting, operation of
- 3546 Riveting hammers--mfg
- 3542 Riveting machines--mfg
- 3452 Rivets, metal--mfg
- 3089 Rivets, plastics--mfg
- 2879 Roach poisons--mfg
- 7922 Road companies, theatrical
- 3531 Road construction and maintenance machinery--mfg
- 5082 Road construction and maintenance machinery--wholesale
- 1611 Road construction, except elevated-gener-al contracrors
- 2951 Road materials, bituminous: not made inpetroleum refineries--mfg
- 2911 Road materials, bituminous: produced inpetroleum refi]ieries--mfg
- 3711 Road oilers (motor vehicles)-mfg
- 2911 Road oils, produced in petroleum refineries--mfg
- 7549 Road service, automotive
- 4785 Roads, yoll: operation of
- 3634 Roasters, electric--mfg
- 0251 Roasting chickens, raising of
- 3556 Roasting machinery: coffee, peanut, etc.--mfg
- 5137 Robes and goWsiS: women's and children's--wholesale
- 2369 Robes, loungiIig: children's--mfpm--mfg
- 2369 Robes, loUxigilig: girls', children's, and infants'--mfpm--mfg
- 2384 Robes, lounging: men's, boys', andwomen's--mfpm--mfg
- 2253 Robes, lounging--mitse--mfg
- 5136 Robes, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 3535 Robotic convetors for genernl industnaluse mfg
- 3541 Robots for drilling and cutting--machinetype, metalworking--mfg
- 3569 Robots for general industrial use--mfg
- 3541 Robots for grinding, polishing, and deburring--metalworking--mfg
- 3542 Robots for metal forming: e.g., pressing,hammering, extruding--mfg
- 3563 Robots for spraying, painting-industri-al--mfg
- 3548 Robots for welding, soldering, or brazing--mfg
- 3559 Robots, plastics: for molding and forming--mfg
- **** Robots code according yo primary fiinction
- 5999 Rock and syone specimens--retail
- 3531 Rock crusliing machinery, portable--mfg
- 3532 Rock crushing machinery, stationary--mfg
- 3532 Rock drills, portable--mfg
- 1629 Rock removal, underwater--contractors
- 1479 Rock salt mining
- 3275 Rock, gypsum--mfg
- 2512 Rockers, upholstered on wood frames--mfg
- 2511 Rockers, wood: except upholstered--mfg
- 2869 Rocket engine fuel, organic--mfg
- 3489 Rocket launchers, hand-held--mfg
- 3724 Rocket motors, aircraft--mfg
- 3764 Rocket motors, guided missile--mfg
- 3443 Rocket transportation casings--mfgw X - ^ s As sX
- 3483 Rockets (ammunition)--mfg
- 3761 Rockets (guided missiles), space and military: complete--mfg
- 2899 Rockets, pyrotechnic--mfg
- 3944 Rocking horses--mfg
- 3269 Rockingham earthenware--mfg
- 3547 Rod mills (rolling mill equipment)--mfg
- 2879 Rodent poisons--mfg
- 2879 Rodenticides--mfg
- 7999 Rodeo animal rental
- 7999 Rodeos, operation of
- 3949 Rods and rod parts, fishing--mfg
- 3354 Rods, aluminum: extruded--mfg
- 3355 Rods, aluminum: rolled--mfg
- 3351 Rods, copper and copper alloy--mfg
- 2591 Rods, curtain and drapery--mfg
- 3496 Rods, gas welding: made from purchasedwire--mfg
- 3069 Rods, hard rubber--mfg
- 3312 Rods, iron and steel: made in steel worksor rolling mills--mfg
- 3083 Rods, larninated plastics--mfg
- 5051 Rods, metal--wholesale
- 3829 Rods, survetors,--mfg
- 3082 Rods, unsupported plastics--mfg
- 3356 Rods: lead, magnesium, nickel, tin, titanium, and their alloys--mfg
- 3069 Roll coverings: rubber for papermill; industrial, steelmills, printers,--mfg
- 3562 Roller bearings and parts--mfg
- 3069 Roller covers, printers,: rubber--mfg*
- 3111 Roller leather--mfg
- 3547 Roller levelers (rolling mill machinery)--mfg
- 2261 Roller printing of cotyon broadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 2262 Roller printing of manmade fiber and silkbroadwoven fabrics--mfg
- 3949 Roller skates--mfg
- 7999 Roller skating rink operation
- 2591 Rollers and fittings, vwindow shade--mfg
- 3523 Rollers and levelers, land (agriculturalmachineryAmfg
- 3991 Rollers, paint--mfg
- 3531 Rollers, road--mfg
- 3531 Rollers, sheepsfoot and vibratory--mfg
- 2499 Rollers, wood--mfg
- 3442 Rolling doors for industrial buildings andwarehouses, metal--mfg
- 3542 Rolling machines, thread and spline--mfg
- 3547 Rolling mill machinery and equipment--mfg
- 3321 Rolling mill rolls, iron: not machined--mfg
- 3325 Rolling mill rolls, steel: not machined--mfg , X,,, X , _
- 2499 Rolling pins, wood--mfg
- 3351 Rolling, drawing, and extruding of copperand copper alloys--mfg
- 3547 Rolls for rolling mill machinery, machined--mfg
- 2051 Rolls, bread-type, including frozen--mfg
- 2679 Rolls, paper: adding machine, telegraphtape, etc.--mfpm--mfg
- 3321 Rolls, rolling mill: iron--not machined--mfg
- 3325 Rolls, rolling mill: steel--not machined--mfg
- 3069 Rolls, solid or covered rubber--mfg
- 2051 Rolls, sweet, except frozen--mfg
- 0161 Romaine farms
- 2369 Rompers: infants'--mfpm--mfg
- 3841 Rongeurs, bone--mfg
- 2952 Roof cement: asphalt, fibrous, and plastics--mfpm--mfg
- 2952 Roof coatings and cements: liquid andp last ics --m fpm -- mfg
- 3444 Roof deck, sheet metal--mfg
- 1761 Roof spraying, painting, or coating-con-tractors
- 2439 Roof trusses, wood--mfg
- 2621 Rooflng felt stock--mitse--mfg
- 2952 Roofing felts, cements, and coatings: asphalt, tar, and composition--mfpm--mfg
- 3295 Roofing granules--mfg
- 5211 Roofing material dealers--retail
- 2952 Roofing pitch, coal tar: not made in byproduct coke ovens--mfg
- 3272 Reofing tile and slabs, concrete--mfg
- 3259 Roofing tile, clay--mfg
- 1761 Roofing work, including repairingXontractors
- 3292 Roofing, asbestos felt roll--mfg
- 5033 Roofing, asphalt and sheet metal-whole-sale
- 2952 Roofing, asphalt or tar saturated felt:builtup, roll, and shinglXmfpm--mfg
- 3444 Roofing, sheet metal--mfg
- 3069 Roofing, single ply membrane: rubber--mfg
- 3281 Roofing, slate--mfg
- 3585 Room coolers, portable--mfg
- 2511 Room dividers, household: wood--mfg
- 3433 Room heaters, except electric--mfg
- 3634 Room heaters, space: electric--mfg
- 3822 Room thermostats--mfg
- 7041 Rooming houses operated by organizationsfor members only
- 7021 Rooming houses, except organization
- 7041 Rooming houses, fraternity and sorority
- 2086 Root beer, bottled or canned--mfg
- 2046 Root starch, edible--mfg
- 3552 Rope and cordage machines--mfg
- 2621 Rope and jute wrapping paper--mitse--mfg
- 3429 Rope fittings--mfg
- 3292 Rope, asbestos--mfg
- 2298 Rope, except asbestos and wire--mfg
- 5085 Rope, except wire rope--wholesale
- 3496 Rope, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire--mfg
- 5051 Rope, wire: not insulated--wholesale
- 3961 Rosaries and other small religious articles,except precious metal--mfg
- 3911 Rosaries and other small religious articles,precious metal--mfg
- 1094 Roscoelite (vanadium hydromica) mining
- 0181 Rose growers
- 2821 Rosin modified resins--mfg
- 2899 Rosin sizes--mfg
- 2861 Rosin, produced by distillation of pine gumor pine wood--mfg
- 5169 Rosin--wholesale
- 3621 Rotary converters (electrical equipment)--mfg
- 3523 Rotary hoes (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- 2754 Rotary phoyogravure printing--mfg
- 3549 Rotary slitters (metalworking machines)--mfg
- 3545 Rotary tables, indexing--mfg
- 3824 Rotary type meters, consumption registering--mfg
- 3351 Rotating bands, copper and copper alloy--mfg
- 2879 Rotenone bearing preparations--mfg
- 2879 Rotenone concentrates--mfg
- 3728 Rotbblades for helicopters--mfg
- 2621 Royogravure paper--mitse--mfg
- 2754 Rotogravure printing--mfg
- 2796 Royogravure printing plates and cylinders--mfg
- 3621 Rotor retainers and housings--mfg
- 3621 Rotors for motors--mfg
- 3524 Rototillers (garden machinery)--mfg
- 2844 Rouge, cosmetic--mfg
- 3291 Rouge, polishing--mfg
- 3523 Roughage mills (agricultural machinery)--mfg
- 2449 Round stave baskets, for fruits and vegetables--mfg
- 2426 Rounds or rungs, ladder and furniture:hardwood--mfg
- 3312 Rounds, tube--mfg
- 5099 Roundwood--wholesale
- 1389 Roustabout service: on a contract basis
- 3553 Routing machines, woodworking--mfg
- 2299 Roves, flax and jute--mfg . _ P . . X _ . . . _ . . _ .
- 3552 Roving machines (textile machinery)--mfg
- 7999 Rowboat rental
- 3732 Rowboats, building and repairing--mfg
- 1521 Rowhouse (single-family) construction--general contractors
- 3949 Rowing machines--mfg
- 6792 Royalty companies, oil
- 6289 Royalty owners protective associations
- 2891 Rubber cement--mfg
- 1455 Rubber clay mining
- 3567 Rubber curing ovens--mfg
- 3061 Rubber goods, mechanical: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut--mfg
- 5085 Rubber goods, mechanical--wholesale
- 5122 Rubber goods, medical--wholesale
- 3069 Rubber heels, soles, and soling strips--mfg
- 0831 Rubber plantations
- 2869 Rubber processing chemicals, organic: accelerators and antioxidants--mfg
- 2899 Rubber processing preparations--mfg
- 3559 Rubber products machinery--mfg
- 5093 Rubber scrap--wholesale
- 2891 Rubber sealing compounds, synthetic--mfg
- 5999 Rubber stamp stores--retail
- 2241 Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered--mfg
- 3559 Rubber workilig machinery--mfg
- 5199 Rubber, crude--wholesale
- 3069 Rubber, reclaimed and reworked by manufacturing processes--mfg
- 2822 Rubber, synthetic--mfg
- 3069 Rubbereovered motor mounting rings(rubber bondedAmfg
- 3069 Rubberbands--mfg
- 3069 Rubberized fabrics--mfg
- 1499 Rubbing syone quarrying
- 3291 Rubbing stones, artificial--mfg
- 4953 Rubbish collection and disposal
- 1411 Rubble mining
- 2819 Rubidium metal--mfg
- 1499 Ruby mining
- 3728 Rudders, aircraft--mfg
- 2395 Ruffling, for the trade--mfg
- 3069 Rug bacldng compounds, latex--mfg
- 7389 Rug binding for the trade
- 3582 Rug cleaning, drying, and napping machines: commercial laundry--mfg
- 7217 Rug cleaning, dyeing, and repairing plants
- 7699 Rug repair shops, not combined withcleaning
- 5713 Rug stores--retail
- 2842 Rug, upholstery, and drycleaning detergents and spotters--mfg
- 2299 Rugbacking, jute or other fiber--mfg
- 2273 Rugs, except rubber or plastics--mfg
- 5023 Rugs--wholesale
- 3423 Rules and rulers: metal, except slide--
- 2499 Rules and rulers: wood, except slide--
- 3555 Rules, printers,--mfg
- 3829 Rules, slide--mfg
- 2782 Ruling of paper--mfg
- 2085 Rum--mfg
- 1389 Running, cutting, and pulling Casiltubes, and rods: oil and gas field
- 6111 Rural Electrification Administration
- 2052 Rusk--mfg
- 2035 Russian dressing--mfg
- 2992 Rust arresting compounds, animal Evegetable oil base--mfpm--mfg
- 3479 Rust proofing (hot dipping) of metals vformed products, for the trade--mfg
- 2842 Rust removers--mfg
- 2899 Rust resisting compounds--mfg
- 5169 Rustproofing chemicals--wholesale
- 7549 Rustproofing service, automotive
- 1099 Ruthenium ore mining
- 1099 Rutile mining
- 0119 Rye farms
- 2041 Rye flour--mfgS
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