Vancouver Webpages Classifieds
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Alphabetic Classification Codes
- 9222 U.S. attorneys, offices
- 3931 Ukuleles and parts--mfg
- 1474 Ulexite mining
- 2816 Ultraniarine pigments--mfg
- 3541 Ultrasonic assisted grinding machines (metalworking)--mfg
- 3699 Ultrasonic clealiing equipment, except medical and dental--mfg
- 3843 Ultrasonic dental equipment--mfg
- 3699 Ultrasonic generators sold separately for inclusion in tools and equipment--mfg
- 3841 Ultrasonic medical clealiing equipment--mfg
- 3845 Ultrasonic medical equipment, except cleaning--mfg
- 3541 Ultrasonic metal cutting machine tools--mfg
- 3845 Ultrasonic scanning devices, medical--mfg
- 3829 Ultrasonic testing equipment--mfg
- 3699 Ultrasonic welding machines and equipment--mfg
- 3542 Ultrasonically assisted metal forming machines--mfg
- 3648 Ultraviolet lamp fixtures--mfg
- 3641 Ultraviolet lamps--mfg
- 3674 Ultraviolet sensors, solid^tate--mfg
- 3826 Ultraviolet-type analytical instruments--mfg
- 1479 Umber mining
- 2816 Umbers--mfg
- 2211 Umbrella cloth, cotyon--mfg
- 3911 Umbrella handles and trimmimings, precious metal--mfg
- 5699 Umbrella stores--retail
- 3999 Umbrellas and parts, except precious metal--mfg
- 5136 Umbrellas, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 3999 Umbrellas: beach, garden, and wagon--mfg
- 7549 Undercoating service, automotive
- 2851 Undercoatings, paint--mfg
- 1622 Underpass construction-general contractors
- 1799 Underpinning work--contractors
- 7261 Undertakers
- 5087 Undertakers, equipment and supplies--wholesale
- 3648 Underwater lighting fixtures--mfg
- 5091 Underwater sports equipment--wholesale
- 2221 Underwear fabrics, except knit: manmade fiber and silk--mfg
- 2211 Underwear fabrics, woven: cotton--mfg
- 5136 Underwear, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 2322 Underwear: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 5137 Underwear: women's, children's, and infants , --who le sale
- 2341 Underwear: women's, misses', children's,and infants'--mfpm--mfg
- 2254 Underwear--mitse--mfg
- 6211 Underwriters, security
- 4492 Undocking of ocean vessels
- 9441 Unemployment insurance offices-government
- 2353 Uniform hats and caps, except protective head gear--mfg
- 2321 Uniform shirts, except athletic or workmen's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 7213 Uniform supply service, except industrial
- 2329 Uniforms, athletic and gymnasium: men's and boys'--mfpm--mfg
- 2339 Uniforms, athletic: women's, misses', and juniors'--mfpm--mfg
- 2389 Uniforms, band--mfpm--mfg
- 2337 Unifornis, except athletic and service apparel: women's, misses', and juniors'--mfpm--mfg
- 5136 Unifornis, men's and boys'--wholesale
- 2326 Uniforms, nontailored work type: men's--mfpm--mfg
- 2311 Uniforms, tailored: men's and boys'--mfg
- 2339 Uniforms, washable service apparel(nurses, maid, waitresses,, laboratory):women's, misses', and juniors'--mfpm--mfg
- 2326 Uniforms, work: men's--mfpm--mfg
- 5137 Uniforms: women's and children's-wholesale
- 5699 Uniforms--retail
- 2254 Union suits--mitse--mfg
- 6371 Union trust funds
- 6371 Union welfare, benefit, and health funds
- 3494 Unions, pipe: metal--mfg
- 3089 Unions, plastics--mfg
- 5651 Unisex clothing stores--retail
- 5137 Unisex clothing: women's and children's--wholesale
- 7231 Unisex hairdressers
- 3433 Unit heaters, domestic: except electric--mfg
- 3634 Unit heaters, household: electric--mfg
- 6726 Unit investment trusts
- 2761 Unit sets (manifold business forms)--mfg
- 5063 Unit substations--wholesale
- 9721 United Nations
- 4311 United States Postal Service
- 8399 United fund councils
- 3711 Universal carriers, military--mfg
- 3568 Universal joints, except motor vehicle--mfg
- 3714 Universal joints, motor vehicle--mfg
- 8221 Universities
- 8641 University clubs
- 4491 Unloading vessels
- 2512 Upholstered furniture, household: on woodframes, except dual purpose sleep furniture--mfg
- 5087 Upholsterers, equipment and supplies,except fabrics--wholesale
- 7217 Upholstery cleaning on customers, premises
- 2211 Upholstery fabrics, cotton--mfg
- 2221 Upholstery fabncs, manmade fiber and silk--mfg
- 2231 Upholstery fabrics, wool--mfg*
- 5087 Upholstery filling and padding--wholesale
- 2299 Upholstery filling, textile--mfg
- 3111 Upholstery leather--mfg
- 5714 Upholstery materials stores--retail
- 7532 Upholstery repair, automotive
- 3495 Upholstery springs, unesembled: made from purchased wire--mfg
- 3111 Upper leather--mfg
- 3131 Uppers (shoe cut stock)--mfg
- 3462 Upset forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling mills--mfg
- 3542 Upsetters (forging machines)--mfg
- 1094 Uraninite (pitchblende) mining
- 1094 Uranium ore mining
- 2819 Uranium slug, radioactive--mfg
- 4111 Urban and suburban railway operation
- 6162 Urban mortgage companies
- 9532 Urban planning commissions-government
- 9532 Urban renewal agencies--government
- 2873 Urea--mfg
- 2821 Urea resins--mfg
- 2822 Urethane rubbers--mfg
- 3088 Unnals, plastics--mfg
- 3069 Urinals, rubber--mfg
- 3261 Urinals, vitreous china--mfg
- 3431 Urinals: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal--mfg
- 8071 Urinalysis laboratories
- 3281 Urns, cut stone--mfg
- 3634 Urns, electric: household--mfg
- 3299 Urns, gypsum or papier-mache: factory production only--mfg
- 8011 Urologists, offices of
- 7363 Usher service
- 3365 Utensils, cast aluminum--mfg
- 3469 Utensils, metal, except cast: household,commercial, and hospital--mfg
- 2656 Utensils, paper: except those made from pressed or molded pulp-mfpm--mfg
- 3469 Utensils, porcelain enameled: household,commercial, and hospital--mfg
- 2679 Utensils, pressed and molded pulmfpm--mfg
- 3479 Utensils, retinning of: not done in rolling mills--mfg
- 4939 Utilities, combination of
- 3448 Utility buildings, prefabricated: metal--mfg
- 3429 Utility carriers, car top--mfg
- 3089 Utility containers, plastics--mfg
- 0783 Utility line tree trimming services
- 7372 Utility software, computer: prepackaged
- 7519 Utility trailer rental
- 5599 Utility trailers--retail
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