Help on SIC codes

The classification scheme used at Vancouver Webpages is based on the 1987 US Standard Industry Classification codes. This scheme was chosen because it is an extensive scheme, available on the Net, and is free from copyright restrictions.

If you followed a link "Add yourself to this list" from one of the classified listings, the SIC field will have been automatically preset to the correct SIC code.

You may enter a list of alternate SIC codes, separated by commas. For instance, a business both installing and cleaning septic tanks might set this field to 7699,1711

Note: SIC codes ending in "0" are not usable. The SIC codes are hierarchical, eg

You can add to 0711 or 0741, which are "leaves", but not 0710, which is a "branch".

You can find a version of the SIC codes on ProPhone's CanadaPhone CD-ROM, which retails for about $120 and has essentially all last year's phonebooks for the whole of Canada. ProPhone has adopted a proprietary extension to the standard codes; Vancouver Webpages only uses the numeric part.

Short SIC code descriptions
Long SIC codes; keyword search
Index of archive - files to download

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