Welcome to Vancouver Webpages

NoFrames A no-frames version of this page is available.

Back The Back button will take you to the previous site (if you have JavaScript).

New New pages since your last session - cookie-based page keeps track of what changed.

META Dictionary of HTML META, REL, REV & LINK tags with links to schemes.

Shout! Shout Advertising Network

META Tool to build META tags for HTML documents - description, language, expiry date & more.

Mapping Do You Know Where Your Computer Is ? Mapping the Internet - enter Latitude/Longitude for your IP address.

Images Quick guide to HTML inline images, JPEG, colour reduction etc. (1995-1996)

NET Links to various resources on the Net

NET Various network tools: reverse traceroute, ping, email verification etc.

Photos Vancouver in Images - clickable map photo-stroll around Vancouver. You can add entries for your online Vancouver photos.

WordNet Interface to the WordNet English dictionary - synonyms, antonyms, homonyms etc.

Synonyms Simple extensible synonym dictionary. Active but unmoderated.

HUB The Hub - a page which allows you to temporarily link a Webserver on a dynamic IP address or PPP line.

VRML Some VRML demos and tools; HPGL to VRML converter.

LANG Brief demonstrations of multilingual HTML, content negotiation.

LANG Multilingual Howto - notes on setting up a multilingual Web server.

VW96 The VW96 Schema, as used by the VW96.ObjectType META tag.

STATS Browser Statistics from the Vancouver Webpages homepage - percentage of browser types, operating systems etc.

PROXY Notes on Proxy Cache for HTTP.

PLUGINS Some notes on Netscape Plugins for Linux, and a simple MIDI player.

CacheNow The CacheNow campaign for HTTP proxy cache awareness, saving bandwidth across the Net.

PICS PICS HOWTO - a guide for using PICS 1.1 tags for content rating.

VWP The VWP1.0 PICS rating scheme; rates for Canadian content, sex, safety etc.

Webgate A Web to email gateway - Web pages by mail as MIME attachments suitable for the Netscape email tool.

CACHE The hierarchical cache at Vancouver Webpages accepts requests from local agents (currently Vancouver iStar).

RFID Concept page for universal use of RFID tags - set your tricorder to "stun"!

Web Time & Y2K Check your PC's clock against atomic time; how to keep it in sync; compare PC and Web server accuracy; also Y2K links.

About Some notes about this server - hardware and software.

BUGS Page for reporting problems, etc. Please use the bug report on the relevant page, if possible.

Contact Contact Page for Vancouver Webpages administration.

Robots Some notes on Web robots

DIY Self-serve Web pages that you can update from Netscape whenever you wish. Low fee; no advertising required.

LIST Browsable listings of Vancouver businesses

SIC Vancouver businesses classified by US SIC (Standard Industry) code

LIST Browsable listings of Canadian, BC & local government pages

HOME Personal and business Homepages in Vancouver, BC

HOME Personal and business Homepages around the world.

Vancouver Photos, maps of Vancouver.

SIC Businesses around the world classified by US SIC (Standard Industry) code

LIST Browsable listings of businesses around the world.

news Annotated list of Canadian Usenet groups (1996)

Boats Vancouver Power Squadron, a branch of the CPS, trains sail and power boaters in Vancouver.

diveBC SCUBA shops & operators in BC, SCUBA links, maps of BC coast.

sailBC Sailing links, some marina listings, Canadian Power Squadron links & pages, NMEA archive

searchBC Regional search engine for BC. Titles and keywords; updated nightly.

NEW New and updated Web pages found by the searchBC robot; updated daily.

VRML VRML 3-D model of Vancouver

VanLUG Vancouver Linux User Group homepage and list archive

ACCESS Public and drop-in Web terminals in the Vancouver area.

New Notes on new features on this server.

Partners Please visit our Web Partners!

SEARCH Multisearch Canada uses Frames to launch up to 4 search engines at once from a common submit button.

NNQ news.newusers.questions - homepage; from the Usenet group.

Submit Various submission pages here grouped together.

Jump! A simple search engine based solely on homepage titles. Also adds www,.com,.org - but so does Netscape.

JumpBC! Like Jump! but with more BC pages.

Russian Links to Russian resources on the net.

FullFrame Expand this frame to full size

DES Challenge Cracking the DES encryption scheme by brute force

Security Security page for Linux and other networked systems

Vancouver Webpages