Listings, directories and links at Vancouver Webpages
- SIC Listings
A directory of businesses arranged by Standard Industry Codes (1987 US version)
- Vancouver SIC Listings
A directory of businesses in Vancouver arranged by Standard Industry Codes
- Personal Homepages
A self-submit area for people to provide links to their homepages. Originally
intended for personal, non-adult, pages. Alphabetically organized using frames.
- Business Homepages
A self-submit area for people to provide links to their homepages. Some site-submission
software targets this page and it has become a general A-Z business directory.
Sites with adult content are redirected by the submission script.
- diveBC SCUBA listings for Vancouver area - resorts,
retail stores etc.
- sailBC sailing/boating page for Vancouver area
- Vancouver Business Listings
Entries in the SIC listings arranged alphabetically
- Government Listings
Listings of local and provincial government sites in Vancouver and BC
- Business Listings
Entries in the SIC listings arranged alphabetically (outside Vancouver)
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